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A/N: A little different this one, rather than meeting for the first time, it's dealing with unsupportive parents.

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We've been dating for a couple of months but not made it official yet, I'd seen him out for dinner last week with a woman which had hurt a lot more than I'd thought it would but we hadn't had that conversation yet. I'd been on a date set up by my friend last week also but out just confirmed for me what I already suspected, I really like Christian and I don't want to date anyone else.

"This was, I think our best date yet." Christian grins at me as we arrive back at my house. He walks me to the front door and I unlock it but before I can open it, he grabs hold of my hand and pulls me back to him in one very smooth move. I chuckled and loop my arms around his neck, the familiar bubble of lust in my stomach.
"I wanted to ask you something." Christian groans as I pull him closer to me and start kissing his throat.

"Uhh huh." I don't stop but I am curious.

"I know you went on a date last week and it made me feel surprisingly jealous. I don't want to feel like that again." Shit, is he breaking it off with me? I stop kissing him and stand up straight, he seems nervous.

"What are you saying?" I ask anxiously.

"I want to be exclusive with you, what do you think?" I immediately burst into a grin in relief and delight.

"Yes, I'd love that." I can't stop my smile, "that was a set up from my friend and it just confirmed what I already knew, I'm all in with you." His face is lit up with happiness "And if I'm honest, I saw you on a date last week too and it drove me a little crazy." I admit.

"A date?" He looks confused.

"On Thursday."

"Oh." He laughs gently, "that was my sister." He smirks, "is it bad that I'm glad you were jealous?" He moves his mouth to my throat now.

"No because I'm glad you were too." I am in heaven.

"I'm gonna make you something more than jealous." He growls in my ear and moves against me, pushing me inside the house, keeping a tight hold of me so I don't fall down as he pushes me backwards, slamming the door and twirling me around so my backs on the door to lock it.

I'm a puddle of lust as his hands move to my ass and he begins to move me towards the stairs.

"Ahem." A voice loudly clearing their throat from the darkness of my lounge behind us makes us jump apart in shock. I turn around to see my parents stood looking very uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"We came to talk to you about this situation with Bradley." My mum Elena said in a disapproving manner.

"What situation with Brad?" I'm flabbergasted that they're here in my home talking about my ex husband.

"Well we were hoping to talk to you in private." My mum said still frowning, "we think you should try to make your marriage work."

"He does seem genuinely remorseful." My dad Phil chimes in.

"Are you for real!" I'm furious and trying to calm down before my anger means I lose control and say something I regret.

"Can we talk to you in private?" My mother asks again.

"No." I snap, "this is Christian my boyfriend." I can barely breath for fury now.
"Firstly, I can't believe you let yourself into my home without telling me you were coming or asking. That key was for emergencies." I begin.

"This is an emergency."

"Secondly, it's been 6 months. He fall out with his new girlfriend did he?"

"He knows he made a mistake." My dad says.

"No. A mistake it was not. He hit me and he cheated on me. There is nothing on this earth that would make me forgive him."

"Marriage is for life." My father begins to protest.

"So you'd be happy for me to be in an abusive relationship would you?"

"Of course not but he."

"Just stop. Do not defend him. I'm close to throwing you out permanently. You break into my home, disrespect my partner who is a truly decent man and treat your own daughter like an object, a situation that needs resolving."

"We need to talk about this." My father takes a few steps towards me but Christian has had enough and he steps in front of me to block their way.

"I think you should leave." He says calmly but I can sense the anger in him.

"Who are you to tell me I can't speak to my own daughter."

"Well I appear to be the only person who actually cares about her well-being." He stood his ground and inspite of the fact that my dad is 6 foot 3 and he's 5 foot 10, he refused to back down. This man is amazing.

"That's ridiculous, we care about her reputation." My mother insisted.

"My reputation. In your church? I'm an atheist, I don't give a fuck about what your idiot friends think of me. I'm happy with Christian, happier than I've been ever. Ever."

"You need to leave." Christian insists again and I move to stand at his side, sliding my hand into his. Standing strong with him by my side is easy in spite of the pain that my parents don't care about my safety or happiness.

"We'll be talking again." My mum insists.

"No we wont, I will be changing my locks first thing in the morning and I never want to see either of you again." I've had enough and I hold the door until they've left and then slam the door behind them, putting the latch on so they can't get in with the key.

"Shit, I'm so sorry honey." Christian wraps his arms around me and hold me tightly to his chest, "your parents suck."

"I'm sorry they treat you like that. They really do suck but at least we won't have to deal with them again." I sigh, allowing my body to loosen up and the tension release.

"Oh don't worry about me honey, I just can't get my head around treating your child that way!" He starts rubbing my shoulders and I feel the stress start to seep away.

"Do you want distracting?" He grins at me flirtily. 

"Mmmm." I grin and nod. He bends, grabs me behind the thighs, pulls me up onto his hips and carries me to bed.

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