Fan of a Fan

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"Here he comes." My best friend Martin squeaked, tugging on my arm excitedly. He was overly excited anyway as he'd proposed to his boyfriend Daniel this morning and we'd been to see a show on Broadway which were once in a lifetime things for us. We live in the UK and we're here on holiday. It was meant to be the two of them but they had both insisted I come along, they're my best friends and I love them dearly but I can't help feeling like the third wheel. We're stood at the stage door to meet the cast and we're all more excited than we'd been in a long time.

"Christian! You were so good, I'm a huge fan." People were gushing over him and asking for selfies with him as well as hugs and autographs.
I had an idea of what kind of impression I want to leave on him.
"Hi." Christian was greeting my friends now, posing with them whilst I took the photo for them. His eyes locked onto mine and I nearly lost my nerve, his smile was enough to send shivers down my spine.

"Hi." He stands in front of me and I smile back.

"Hi. I loved the show. I have a little something for you, I know your an avid reader so I have a couple of books for you." I smile and hand the two books over to him.

"Oh wow, thank-you. I've got this one, it's really good." He grins, looking up at me. I immediately go bright red.

"You've read it? And you like it?" I know my face has lit up in pure delight.

"Yeah it's the best thing I've read in a while. Have you read it?"

"A lot. I kinda had to since I wrote it." I grin in amusement and his face snaps back to look at mine quickly in surprise.

"Really?" He exclaims in surprise, staring at me intently, trying to see if i'm serious.

"Yeah." I blush under his intense stare but I don't look away.

"It's a huge delight to meet you, if you are indeed the writer."

"Email me from the official website, I'll reply and then you'll know." I shrug with a smile, turning to leave, "It was really nice to meet you Christian." I smile, turning to leave.

My friends rejoin me but I'm distracted by my phone pinging.

'Hi. This is either going to make my day or make you think I'm insane. If you are the woman who just told me she's Harley then why don't you come back here and kiss me. 😉 If not then I'm really sorry for this weirdness!'

I'm facing his way whilst I read and I know surprise followed with amusement is on my face. God damn it, should I do it? I seriously want to, he asked me to. I don't know how serious he is though, maybe he just wanted to make me laugh. He is well known for that.

I reply simply with an emoji '😘' 

I look up to see him watching me, I raise my eyebrows at him and smirk. He grins and starts walking towards me but is stopped by another fan wanting a photo with him.
I chuckle but turn back to my friends who are now gawping at me.


"Don't what me! What was that between you and Christian Borle?!" Daniel asks.

"Nothing." I smirk but I can't hide my excitement and amusement so I tell them what happened.

"I can't believe you told him who you are!" Martin exclaimed, "you are usually so careful about that."

"I know, I know."

"Glad you did tell me." Christian's voice made me jump. He'd broken free of his fans and was standing right behind me. Martin and Daniel laugh at my jump and step back to allow him to move next to us.

"We're going to go get some supper. Keep in touch." Martin winked at me behind Christian's back which made me blush and shake my head half in embarrassment, half in amusement.

"Nice to know you are who you say you are, even if you didn't really reply." He's hinting.

"Hmmm." I chuckle and meet his eyes, his gaze in intense and I'm immediately intimidated. "How about a coffee?" I suggest.

"Definitely. Although the cast are meeting for a drink, it's someone's birthday. Would you want to come along?" He looks nervous which surprises me but I'm happy to agree.

"Yeah that sounds good." I smile reassuringly, feeling confident until he smiles at me and my knees turn to jelly, my stomach doing flips.

"Your friends can come too?" He asks.

"Oh well they just got engaged so I think they are probably going to enjoy the rest of their evening alone." I smirk. He chuckles and offers his arm. I grin, deciding to be bold, sliding my hand slowly through his arm, sliding my hand on his bicep and instead of looping my arm through his, I keep moving my hand slowly down his forearm and eventually interlace through his fingers to hold his hand. Damn his arms are truly all that and more. His reaction is the more. He's so reactive and he goes through surprise, amusement and settles on lust, his eyes watching the movement of my hand until I still and wait for him to make the next move.
He raises his eyebrows and closes his fingers around mine, pulling me after him as we walk to the bar his co-stars are in.

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