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"Do you know why Christian is avoiding me?" I ask Andy as we walk through the building to the canteen.

"What do you mean?" He tries to feign innocence like he doesn't know what I'm talking about but I can see that he does know something.

"Andrew Rannells, tell me what you know!" I demand, stopping.

"Come on, don't be so dramatic." He chuckles, linking an arm through mine and pulling me onwards.

"Andy." I beseech. He looks sideways at me with a look I can't decipher. We walk into the canteen and I see Christian at a table with a couple of mutual friends so we walk over and as soon as he sees us, the look on his face changes from easy amusement to uncomfortable.

We put our jackets on chairs, greet everyone and go to get our meals. Whilst we're queuing up, we see Christian pick up his things and leave, throwing a sad glance our way.

"Tell me you didn't notice that." I am a little annoyed now, he's being pretty obvious about it. Andy sighs.

"You're really telling me you don't know why?" He gives me a puzzled look.

"No! What have I done?"

"It's nothing you've done babe. It's the fact that you're married."

"What?" I freeze. What is he saying?

"He likes you. A lot." Andy is staring at me incredulously, "You didn't know?"

"No!" I gape back at him, "is this the truth?"

"Yes. He told me he's got strong feelings for you and he hates the way your husband treats you so it's too difficult to be around you."

"Shit." I frown, suddenly not hungry, "I'm gonna go find him." I turn to leave but Andy catches me arm.

"And say what? You are married. It's just going to be a rub." It's my turn to give him a look that confuses him.

"I've not told anyone this. You're all right in what you've been saying to me about my husband, he doesn't treat me with any kind of respect and I've been saving up for two years to leave him." Andy's jaw drops open this time and a grin slowly spreads across his face.

"That's bloody brilliant!" He hugs me, "and do you like Christian?"

"Hell yes." I smirk in amusement. "Being around him has actually been the catalyst for me to get my arse in gear. I put a deposit down on a house and I'm moving at the end of the week. I'm dreading it actually because I've not had that conversation with him yet."

"Jesus, do you want me to come with you?"

"I'm taking him to a restaurant to do in public. Most of my precious stuff will be packed up by then."

"Tuc and I will go and be at another table for support if you need us."

"Thank-you." I agree with a smile, "please don't tell anyone this stuff, it's hard enough going through it without gossips whispering as I walk past."

"I won't. What about Christian though?"

"Tell him not to avoid me." I shrug, "you don't need to elaborate, just subtly let him know he's not on a fools errand."

"I think I can manage that." He grins and hugs me tightly before going to sit down with his food.

"I've lost my appetite, I have some things to plan so I'll catch up with you later." I smile, heading back to my office.

I'm in a world of my own walking down the corridor, a few tears have escaped. It's hard ending a long marriage but I know it's for the best. Christian nearly runs into me as he passes and he catches me so off guard that I yelp in alarm.

"Woah, sorry. Hey, are you ok?" He asks, noticing the tears.

"Yep sure." I brush them away and begin to walk off. He hesitates and then follows, dropping into step beside me.

"That sounded convincing." He said gently.

"Oh you've stopped avoiding me now have you?" I feel irritable in spite of the knowledge I now have about it.

"I wasn't avoiding you." He blushes and I raise my eyebrows incredulously at him. He sighs, "ok I was a little."

"Care to share why? What did I do to upset you?" I'm just going to play this as though I have no extra information.

"I got too comfortable around you." He's quiet but I can tell he's being truthful.

"Too comfortable?" His words are a little confusing.

"I like you a lot. And you're married so I needed to respect that and give you space."

I'm staring into his stunning blue eyes now, touched by the truth in his words.

"I won't be soon. And I like you too." I tell the truth.

"Won't be what?" He looks confused.

"Married." His eyes lock on mine in surprise, trying to read my expressions. It's a piercing stare and I feel that familiar jolt of lust through my stomach whenever I'm around him.

"You're getting a divorce?"

"Yep. I've been planning it for a couple of years actually. I had to save up and get plans straight before I tell him."

"Woah. So he doesn't know?"

"Nope. I've bought a house and I'm telling him tomorrow evening at dinner. Andy and Tuc are going on a few tables over to support me."

"That's a lot. Are you ok?" His concern for me is so heartwarming and not what I'm used to that I feel tears prick at my eyes again.

"I'm ok. Thank-you." I whisper and he holds his arms open for a hug which I quickly step into, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding tight.
I linger in his arms, not wanting to step away and he doesn't seem in any rush to let me go. When I finally step back, his eyes have gone from being filled with concern to being filled with lust and his gaze on me is intoxicating.
One thing at a time. I've got a divorce to file first.

"I'm sorry." He wipes a tear away from my cheek and holds his hand to my face for a few seconds.

"What for?" I ask confused albeit enjoying his hand on my face rather too much.

"Avoiding you." He shook his head gently, "I wish I'd known you were going through all this."

"I didn't tell anyone." I shrug.

"No-one?" He looks shocked.

"Nope. I didn't want it getting back to him before I had chance to set everything up. He can say some nasty things when he's upset."

"Oh honey." He took a step towards me but hesitated.

"I'm ok." I smile. It's true, it's been hard but I'm strong.

"Tell me if there's anything you need, please." It's a plea and I'm glad things are returning to normal with us.

"Company would be good, I'm on my own this evening and could use a distraction." I trace a finger across his chest, around the Star Wars logo. In spite of his shiver at my touch, he gets my point.

"I'll bring the popcorn." He chuckles. We have a lot in common and have enjoyed many evenings watching shows no-one else seems to want to watch and chatting long into the night.

"I'm glad we're talking again." I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding myself tight to him. He hesitated but then slid his arms around my waist, holding me gently but firmly.

This is the most excited and happy I've felt in a long time.

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