You Deserve Better

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A/N: Little bit of a different one.

'You're still coming to my birthday party tonight right?' I read the message from my best friend Martin, it's his 40th Birthday and his husband is throwing a ridiculously over the top party of which I had been roped in to plan.

'Is that a question or a demand?' I chuckle, winding him up.

'Demand. Wear the red dress. x' I laugh, he'd dragged me out clothes shopping and insisted on buying me the dress I'd fallen in love with that was way out of my budget.

'Your birthday wish is my command. 😂'

'Is Pierce coming?' I frown and sigh.

'Yes, his mum is babysitting.'

'Grrrreat.' His sarcasm screams through the text. Martin does not like my husband.

'There will be 200 people there, you don't need to worry about Pierce.'

'Woman, if he speaks to you like he did last time tonight then there will be words had. It's my birthday and I'll start a fight if I want to.' I slap my hand on my forehead. I know he means well.

'Chill' I put my phone away and go to get dressed.

"Do you know what you're wearing tonight?" I ask Pierce who is sat on the sofa, engrossed in his phone.

"Yeah, shirts on the hanger." He says distractedly. I sigh and go get ready.

An hour later, I'm ready and calling the taxi.

"Are you coming?" I call to Pierce who had only just gone to get dressed.

"I'm coming, chill out." He says grumpily. He doesn't want to be at this party, we argued about it a couple of times but I insisted this was an event I couldn't miss and he doesn't like me going to parties without him.

We are at the party in fifteen minutes and there is already a lot of people there.

"Babe, you came!" Martin exclaimed loudly after he saw me walk in, he dashed over and grabs me in a tight hug making me laugh. "Pierce, thanks for coming. Feel free to grab a drink, it's a free bar."

"Cheers." Pierce is gone, happy not to have to chat with Martin.

"Free bar?" I frown at him, "there's like 200 people here tonight!"

"Yeah just for close family and friends, I briefed the bartenders, I thought it would be a good way to get some time with you without him hovering over your shoulder." He rolls his eyes and links his arm through mine. "You look hot by the way babe." He grins, pulling me over to his husband Daniel where he is talking to a group of people I recognise as broadway and west end actors.

"Babe, you're here!" Daniel looks surprised but lunges at me and hugs tightly. I laugh and allow him to smother me, hugging him tightly too.

"You don't need to sound so surprised." I chuckle as he wraps an arm possessively around my shoulders. These two are my support system and they're always inviting me to parties to which I can never go because Pierce doesn't like them and it's more hassle than it's worth.

"I'm not. You promised me faithfully and I know you always keep your promises, let me introduce you to everyone." He grins. I meet a lot of people but the one that sticks out to me is Christian Borle. He's gorgeous, he's kind and he's every green flag I can think of, not to mention the fact that he's a total sci-fi geek just like me. I am pushed next to him by Martin and we chat happily for most of the evening.

The party is winding down and the last group of people are leaving, Pierce is waking up after being asleep on a sofa most of the night and Christian is left with me, Martin and Daniel.

"Going home now." Pierce stumbles over to me, slinging his arm around my shoulders and trying to drag me off to the door.

"Whoa, hang on. I promised to stay and help clear up a little." I duck under his arm but then grab his elbow to steady him.

"Don't be stupid, they'll hire cleaners, not like they don't have the money."

"I don't break my promises Pierce, you know that." I sigh. The others were coming back into the room after saying goodnight at the door to see our argument. They stood listening for a moment.

"You're not staying here with these queers instead of coming home with me." He grabbed for my arm but I'm sober and he's not so I managed to avoid his grab.

"Woah, chill out there buddy, the lady doesn't want to go with you." Christian doesn't realise the situation and steps in to try to help.

"Christian Borle. So this is why you don't want to come home." He's angry now. I hate it when he drinks, he's normally lovely but after a few drinks, I'm genuinely scared of him. Thankfully he doesn't drink often.

"Mate, just relax." Christian is now stood between us and I see the look of horror pass between Daniel and Martin.

"Back off Borle! You don't get to tell me how to speak to my own wife!" He lunges for me again but I step aside, anticipating his actions and he falls onto the sofa.

"Wife." Christians face is full of surprise. "This is how you treat your wife!" He's disgusted.

"Ok Pierce, I'm going to call a cab for us."

"No you're not, I've already done it and you're not going with him when he's like that." Martin snaps, moving to my side protectively.

"Damn straight, I knew he was an asshole but this is a whole different level!" Daniel is angry and now standing on the other side of me.

"Fucking queers always interfering." Pierce growls and stands, he's 6 foot 4 and intimidating to say the least but it doesn't put my best friends off.

"Sleep it off Pierce, you've not had this much to drink in a long time." I am worried enough to allow the interference, I don't really want to go with him when he's like this.

"We'll be speaking about this in the morning." He growls and leaves angrily.

"I'm so sorry Martin, I didn't mean to ruin your party."

"Not at all babe, I'm just glad you're safe." Martin kisses my cheek and goes to lock the door.

"I'll make us some drinks." Daniel disappears leaving me alone with Christian.

"How are you with a man like that?" He asks quietly.

"He's not normally like that and he's never tried to get physical before." I sit down, exhaustion filling my body.
I know what happens next but I know I'm not staying anymore, separation and then divorce but I don't have the strength to think about it yet.

"You deserve so much better than that." Christian smiles reassuringly as he sits next to me.

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