11. Phone Calls and Smalltalk

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As much as I didn't want to go, I got a call from my mom saying dinner was ready and that she wanted me to come home.

I set the phone down on Shawn's dresser, staring at him. "You have to go, don't you?" he said, looking up at me where he had replaced my body with his pillow. He pouted his lip.

"Yea," I sighed, pulling the pillow away from his grip and crawling back into his arms. "What are you doing? Don't you have to leave?" he asked, gently drawing circles with his finger on my arm. "Sadly." I whispered, closing my eyes. He sat up."C'mon, I'm driving you home. I don't want your parents go get mad at me for bringing you home too late."

"They wouldn't care," I said, as he stood up, going over to his closet to pull on a sweatshirt. "I'm not taking any chances." he stated, turning and reaching out his hand to pull me up off the bed, and as I stood our faces were directly in front of each other's, his eyes focused on my lips, and I just smiled and swerved around him to grab my phone, teasing him.

He laughed, shaking his head. "That's just wrong."

I turned and smiled overly enthusiastically and then he dragged me to his car and intertwined our hands as we rode silently back to my house.

I opened the front door, walking in. Shawn stood outside, not knowing whether to come in or not. "I'm home!" I called, standing in the doorway. "Come eat!" my mom shouted back.

"I'm gonna go," Shawn said, pointing to his car. I turned to face him. "I don't want you to go." I sighed, leaning my head on the door.

"I don't want to go," he said, stepping closer. He started to lean in. "My mom is gonna see us." I whispered.

"Then let her," he said, brushing his lips against mine, his hand against my cheek. He stared at my lips as he pulled away, then he smirked and turned, heading towards his car. I stood for a second, still with chills from his gentle act of affection. I watched as he got in the car and drove away before walking inside. My mom hadn't seen us.

"Who was your friend?" she asked, placing silverware on the table.

"His name's Shawn." I said, sitting at the table. "Oh, so it's a boy? When will I be able to meet this 'Shawn'?" she asked, sitting across from me.

"Whenever," I shrugged, stabbing my fork into my salad as my brothers came and sat on either side of me.

+ + +

"So I was your first kiss?" he laughed through the phone. After dinner I had gone in my room and called Shawn. We spend so much time together, but it's so nice, that every second spent without him was like suffering withdrawal. I don't know how I lived without him.

"Yes, Shawn. Why is that funny?" I giggled.

"It's not, it just makes me feel special that I, of all people was your first kiss."

"Well you should feel special, I can't have another first kiss."

"You were such a good kisser, though." he said quietly.

"Seriously?" I said through a grin.

"Yes, I just thought you were, like, you seemed experienced."

I chuckled. "Did you enjoy the kiss?" After saying that I got a little embarrassed.

"Very much so. Did you?" he half-whispered.

"It was amazing." I breathed, laying back on my head, twirling strands of my hair with my fingers.

"I thought so too."

"Okay, so while we're on the topic," I began,"I also have never been in a relationship."

"We can change that." he said and I could just hear him smiling.

We went on for the majority of the night talking on the phone. We had started talking at around 8PM, and finally we hung up at 1AM.

After hanging up I fell right asleep.

+ + +

I was the first one up at my house, and that was at around 10AM so I decided to walk down to the Starbucks that wasn't far from our house, leaving a note that read,"Went to Starbucks. Be back soon." with a scribble smiley face next to it, and just assumed they'd know who left because I would be the only one missing.

It was about a ten minute walk down the block to reach the Starbucks.

Since it wasn't a weekday and no one was in a hurry to get to work or anything, the place wasn't that crowded. There was an old couple sitting at a table together, and then there was a teenaged boy talking on the phone in one of the chairs as he sipped from a plastic cup. A teenage-looking girl was standing in front of me in line. I couldn't see her face, but she had pretty, curly long blonde hair. I listened as she ordered.

"I'll have a iced caramel frappuccino with cream. Add milk, but not too much, and make it soft on the ice. Oh and also on the cream too, I'm trying to lose some weight." she demanded. Why did she need to lose weight? Her body figure was basically perfect.

The lady behind the counter widened her eyes, typing frantically into the machine. "Um, uh, what's your name?" the lady asked with a sharpie and a transparent plastic cup in her hand. The girl leaned over the counter.

"Evelyn. That's E-v-e-l-y-n." she spoke.

My jaw dropped. Evelyn, the girl that tore Shawn's heart out was standing right in front of me.

"That'll be $4.99, hun." Evelyn smiled at the lady behind the counter, paid her, and stepped away, standing by the pick-up counter. "Hello, what can I get for ya?" the woman asked me.

"Uh, um, I'll have a egg, bacon, and Gouda breakfast sandwich with a strawberry smoothie." I ordered. She smiled at me, and asked my name. "Olivia."

"Your total is $9.80." I paid her with a ten dollar bill and put my change into my sweatshirt pocket.

I went and awkwardly stood next to Evelyn in front of the pick-up counter. Suddenly I was getting a call, and Evelyn looked at me. Caller ID: Shawn. I looked up at Evelyn, who was looking at my face. She hadn't read my phone though. I answered and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey, you wanna hang out later?" he asked.

"Sure. Will you pick me up from my house?"

"Yea. I'll be there at five." he replied.

"Okay, see you then. Gotta go."

"Okay, bye."

And that was it. I shoved my phone in my pocket right as the called my name for my drink and sandwich. Evelyn spoke to me,"Boyfriend, huh?"

"Um, not exactly. We're kind of complicated." I stuttered as she grabbed her drink, following me to the chairs in the back of the small building. I rolled my eyes in irritation when she couldn't see me.

"I get it, I just got out of a long term relationship, actually." she laughed. She was talking about Shawn, so I acted interested. "Oh?" I said, fake-smiling (because I pretty much resented her) and rested my head in my palm.

"Yea, long story." she sighed, rolling her eyes as she took a sip from her drink.

"I have time." I deadpanned. And Evelyn started to talk.

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