17. Good Days

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For the rest of the day, Shawn and I played arcade games, ate (too much) junk food, and laughed until our hearts consent. It was a good day. Once we became worn out and tired of gaming, Shawn called his dad to come pick us up like he said he would.

The drive to Shawn's house carried out far too long as the comments stretched to sentences which stretched into conversations. Mr. Mendes asked me if I wanted to be dropped off at my house, but I rejected the offer because I wanted to spend more time with Shawn. He gave me a sly smirk, vulgarity on his mind. As a response, I chuckled, thinking of something to say, but to my rescue, Shawn broke in. "Dad, no, we're just going to hang out. Don't make her uncomfortable, please."

"Sorry, sorry," Shawn's dad apologized as we pulled into their driveway. My feet smacked against the concrete as I dragged Shawn's crutches out of the backseat and opened the door for him.

Once we got inside, I met his mom, Karen, and his adorable little sister, Aaliyah. I acknowledged them both before Shawn lead me upstairs and to his room, of course having issues with figuring out a way to get his injured foot up the stairs without tumbling back down and breaking any more bones.

We made it up the stairs, after figuring out that he would just have me take the crutches up and him crawl with his opposable limbs up the stairs until I could return his stabilizers to him. It felt a little strange just standing by and watching him struggle his way up the steps and not helping him, but I had to remind myself that there was nothing I could do without hurting either of us.

Shawn, relieved, plopped down onto his bed and sighed. I found myself sitting against his closet door (oddly) quite comfortably, though Shawn kept nagging me to lay with him so finally I caved in and took refuge in the comfort of his arms.

"Does your mom know you're here?" Shawn asked as he played with my hair.

"I texted her when we were on our way." I replied, leaving out the part where she asked if I was going to stay the night, and I said yes, and then she demanded for us to use protection, but then I established that that we were not planning to do anything like that, and she just sent the smirky face emoji.

"Tomorrow we have finals, you know, and then two more days before we have three months to do nothing at all." Shawn stated.

"That sounds amazing." I breathed, burying my head into his pillow as I wrapped my arm around his.

"Are you tired?" Shawn asked in a whisper. I didn't reply, though, I just took a long sigh and closed my eyes. I felt Shawn tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear before I fell into a beautiful slumber...

+ + +

"Shawn, can I talk to you?"

"Dad, she's asleep, be quiet."

"Sorry, come out into the hall so we can talk."

I woke to the sounds of Shawn conversing with his father. I don't know what I was thinking, but I got this urge to eavesdrop on their discussion. I quickly shut my eyes once I awoke and pretended to be asleep. I did get a glimpse at the clock, though. It was ten o'clock. What would Shawn's dad need at ten o'clock in the evening?

"Dad, I'm exhausted, can we make this quick?" I heard Shawn's voice say.

"Yea, yea, Shawn. Listen, I like Olivia, I do, but I don't understand. What happened to Evelyn? You were so nice together, and she was great. Your mother and I are worried about you. Are you... are you cheating on Evelyn?" he said quietly; I had to strain to hear him.

"Whoa whoa whoa, Dad, whoa. Really? You'd think I'd be as low as to cheat? Oh my god, how ignorant can you be? Evelyn and I broke up, and quite a while ago, at that. I can't believe this." Shawn shouted, sounding extremely frazzled.

"Shawn, lower your voice. Your mother, sister, and Olivia are trying to get some sleep."

"Dad, I'm in love with Olivia. Evelyn cheated on me. That's how we ended. I really just want her out of my fucking life, Dad, and you just had to bring her back up!"

Shawn's dad rose his voice. "How dare you talk to me like that, Shawn.What were you thinking to not tell us about Evelyn? We love Evelyn! She was great! She couldn't've cheated on you." There was a pause of silence. "And, son, I don't think you're in love with Olivia. You can't be in love with someone you just met. You didn't even love Evelyn and you knew her for over a year. You can't be in love with Olivia."

"Yes, I can, and I do. Fuck you, Dad." Shawn screamed and then the door slammed shut. I jumped, opening my eyes to see Shawn leaned against the door, his face fuming with anger. "Shawn Peter Raul Mendes do not speak to your father like that!" his mom called angrily, and then is father yelled,"God damnit. Forget it." as his voice became distant.

My eyes were planted on Shawn. He was balanced on his uninjured foot. He slid down the door and placed his head in his palms and I heard him sob.

I quietly slipped out from under the covers and strode over to where he sat, and I settled beside him. I rested my chin on his shoulder, kissing his neck. He lifted his head out of his palms and looked at me.

"See what I mean? She's never gone. Never! Olivia, I love you, and I just want you. You're all I want. And I want Evelyn out of my life."

"I love you, and you need to understand that she's not going to permanently be gone. She's over with, though. I'm here, now, and I love you, more than she ever could. There's noting that is going to get in the way of that. Stop stressing out about her. I'm here. And, look, forget whatever your parent's think. If they don't like me, it's fine. As long as I can be with you I'm okay." I explained before Shawn swiveled his body towards mine and lifted my face with his pointer finger and thumb by my chin. He brushed his lips against mine. I could feel the tears on his face as the kiss became more intense.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and Shawn dragged his lips across my cheek and back to my lips.

I lifted my body onto his, attempting to sit on his lap, but he winced in pain. I guess I had forgotten about his broken foot.

I laughed in embarrassment and took my place back beside him. "Sorry," I muttered.

Shawn sniffled and smiled, wrapping his arm around me. He pulled me into his chest. "I love you." he whispered, then he pecked a kiss on my forehead.

- - -
(A/N) 6/8/15

god, now that im out of school i had trouble remembering not the date hahah well at least i know it's officially summer. anyway, im starting to think that no one even likes this book lmao but if you do let me know bc it's the best feeling in the world to know if someone enjoys what you've created. idk, i gtg.

im overthinking again, ugh



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