18. Summer

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(Two weeks later...)

"I failed my math final. That shit's impossible." Leah stated as she slipped her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose.

"I passed all my exams." I replied.

"Me too," Shawn interjected.

"Don't rub it in." Leah whined.

I smiled. "They actually weren't as difficult as I expected them to be,"

"Oh. Well, I probably should of studied, anyway." Leah sighed.

"Might've been a good idea." Shawn shrugged.

It was the beginning of the second week of summer, and Shawn had just got his cast taken off his foot. The first thing he wanted to do was go to the gym and work out, but Leah and I convinced him to come over to her house and swim. We weren't quite swimming, though. I laid on a blue floaty that Leah owned, and Shawn was sprawled across the matching red one. His sunglasses rested on his face, his nose crinkled at the bright sun. His gray swim trunks were dripping with pool water. Leah sat in a white bikini on her beach chair, claiming to be needing "some sun."

"How's it feel to not be a crippled man any more?" I asked.

"Nice, it's really refreshing."

Leah smiled as she commented,"All girls know that feeling. It's like taking your bra off after a long, exhausting day."

Shawn let out a loud laugh and then flipped himself off the floaty, neglecting to remove his sunglasses. He reappeared right beside my face, as he rested his arms on my floating device. He took his (freshly wetted) sunglasses off and tossed them. They landed safely in the grass, gracefully surviving the drop.

"Let's swim." he said.

I opened my eyes and looked over to him. I squinted my eyes, an effect of the burning sun. "But I'm happy right here,"

His face formed a pout, and I playfully shoved his elbow to push him off. He disappeared back into the bright blue water, and I went back to my relaxation.

Suddenly, a strong force pushed up from under me, and then I was submerged in the stingingly cold pool. Water washed over me, causing chills to strike up my aching spine.

"Jesus," I huffed once my head crowned the top of the water. Leah was in a fit of giggles, and then I was.

Shawn popped out of the water and his face obtained a cheeky grin.

Then he glanced over at Leah who had gone back to laying quietly. We flashed knowing smirks at each other before we climbed out of the pool.

"Leah, come swim with us," I offered.

"I'd rather not swim right now." she responded blankly. I then looked at Shawn and shrugged, before he began tugging at her arm, attempting to to pull her up. She fought back. She struggled beneath his grip as he managed to get her over his shoulder. She pounded her fisted hands on Shawn's back, but it didn't phase him. As he made his way closer to the pool, she yelled curse words, sounding overly flustered. Then he tossed her into the pool, but she didn't let go of him, so he was dragged in. This left me dripping in the grass as I watched them emerge from the water, Leah angry and Shawn chuckling hysterically.

"Shawn!" she screamed, shoving him.

"Aw, come on. It was funny!" Shawn laughed.

He cocked his head sideways and gave her an adorable smirk, and she just smiled and shook her head. "Whatever," she caved in. "I'm still mad at you though,"

"I'm just playing." he shrugged.

She rolled her eyes sarcastically,"Mhm, whatever,"

Shawn flashed a toothy grin before he looked up at me, excitedly motioning for me to get in. I'm glad he did, though, because it was beginning to feel like I wasn't there.

I jumped and tucked myself into a ball before my skin hit the water, causing a mild splash to form.

"I'm going to go make us some lemonade," Leah simpered as she ventured out of the pool. Shawn nodded at her as he attempted to slither back onto the red floaty. She vanished into her house, and I took a swim across the pool, listening to Shawn humming some foreign tune.

"Olivia, you know, blue really looks good on you." Shawn complimented, motioning towards my royal blue one-piece.

I obsequiously beamed before launching myself beneath the water, to quickly return to the surface and peck my lips against his, shocking him slightly at the sudden act.

I giggled as I pranced out of the pool. "I'm gonna go check on Leah."

"'Kay." Shawn replied.

I dabbed my towel against my moist skin, drying myself off a bit before I opened the door to enter her home.

The house smelled of febreeze mixed with dryer sheets. It was a good mix, though the scent quickly became hidden.

My feet smacked against the cold tile as I made my way out of her hallway, in search of the kitchen.

As I entered the living room, my eyes wandered along the mantle where family photos sat. I gazed across the pictures of Leah as a baby and her with her friends, basically watching her grow up throughout photographs.

I turned into the kitchen, beginning to talk before I even saw Leah. "You were such an adorable baby! These pictures are so -- Leah?"

- - -
(A/N) 6/14/15

cliffhanger much? lmao sorry for the shorter chapter, & sorry it's been awhile. i'm currently on the airport floor, waiting for my flight bc im going back home from vacation today. my flight was delayed a bit so. anyway, im trying to get back on track of updating. much love!!

-$ophia ahah

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