reunited {special chapter 2}

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Hellooooooooo guyssss! Sorry for the loooong wait. As promised, I told you all that I will be writing a special chapter and here it is.

WARNING: Some of the scenes may contain mature or sexual content not advisable for ages 13 and below.

Thank you for understanding. :)


c a r i s s a

"Hold on a sec, baby." I reminded Junmi, who was carelessly scattering her leggo blocks on the floor. " I know you're hungry..." I sweetly said to her.

"Mamoo-yah, I created a building, look!" She said loudly, proudly showing her mini building made from those rectangular and cube-like blocks that comes in different colors.

"Awwe that's great baby. I'm sure Lacey-eomma would love to see this." I praised little Junmi, my ever adorable four-year old niece that I have been taking care of since last week. Her eomma and Minseok-appa are busy with work in Gangnam. Their maid retired last month so it was harder to find someone to look after Junmi so I took place.

The thing is, I haven't told Kris about this issue is because I know he's going to be worried at me babysitting my niece all alone. But I don't mind, there's Baekhyun and Mara in place for me if they have time to do so.

I heard the doorbell rang and immediately went on to my way on the door to reveal Mara, bringing a handful of paper bags and plastic that smelled of food.

"Yah, what's the occassion today?" I asked her, inhaling the aroma of the food as she placed the paper bags and plastics on the dining table.

She sighed heavily and grinned, "Kai proposed yesterday."

My mouth hanged opened in suprise, "OMOOOO~~ JINJA?!?! Tell me about it."

We sat down on the sofa, where the front television was turned on whilst Junmi went to the c.r. to take a bath, as what I've instructed her. Yes, I trained her to take a bath by herself. She's becoming pretty good at it.

Mara went on with the story of how it happened, starting from they had a small misunderstanding with Kai until such point that he proved a righteous reason to her as to his absence for one week. She told me he was offered a job to be a premium dance instructor for Hanlim Multi Art School, every dream school of teenagers who aims to become a singer, dancer, model, actress and product endorser.

"So, are you fine with it? Considering of taking the job in Hanlim?" I asked her, blinking a few times.

"Of course, I was so happy when he told me that. That's when things got serious and deeper where he looked sincere and straight at me, reminding of those times where we first met and how we fell in love. There, he showed me the ring, proposed at me and I said yes!" She sounded like she's some sick love story narrator.

Happiness revolving us around the room, I sqiurmed and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you two! I wish you guys lots of happiness, especially when you guys consider marriage and after, maybe a baby...?"

Just then, she spanked my right shoulder lightly. "Yah, it's too early for that. We haven't thought of that yet just because he already proposed."

"Okay, okay now lemme see the thing." Curious, she showed her ring that was on her ring finger. It was a beautiful, sparkling diamond of I-dunno-how-many-karat it has. Pretty simple and absolutely stunning. "It's fletchingly amazing, perfect for a soon-to-be-bride just like you."

"Thanks." She beamed at me genuinely.


The next day. . .

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