ayooo wazzzup, exotics!
another update and this time, it rounds about the present time.
enjoy and keep reading (^.^)/~~~
c a r i s s a
"Cari-sshi!" One of the employees namely Kyun-ahjumma approached me, "kindly help me carry those boxes," there, she pointed a huge truck loaded of boxes with goodies inside.
Another random day of June, I'm on duty today with my summer job here in a mini-grocery store.
I nodded at ahjumma, followed her footsteps immediately leading to the near said truck. One on one, we carried the boxes, having the driver ahjusshi helped us.
I carry the box, as it wasn't heavy that consisted of cup noodles, where the label name of the product says so.
After all those lifting done, we took a break so I decided to head to Mariana's Café, took me only three minutes to walk going there.
I entered, my hand touched on the steel knob opening the glass doors. I sat on one of the beige-colored chairs matching the same colored square shaped table.
I ordered the usual, caramel cold coffee and two chocolate-flavoured doughnuts. Munching into the bite-sized ring, I glanced the outdoor newly raining scenery filled with strangers either on their raincoats, using their book or bags as cover to their heads, umbrellas up to those prepared and, even people happily soaking themselves in the rain.
"K-Kris?" I stood up, mute tone ranging over my attention to a guy with blonde hair and MVP height.
No no no no, Carissa. You must be hallucinating things again.
But I swear, it must be him!
Unfortunately, the inside the café all had their eyes on me. I then now realized why I just suddently stood up, even if my voice was kept low and unnoticable.
"Ah...mianhe..." I sat back, letting my butt meet the flat cushion of the chair.
Snapping my phone from my pocket, revealed a message from an anonymous number. I mean, who the hell would've just randomly pass my number to a somebody?
Curious as a kitty, opened my locked screen. It says:
"Anneoyong~~ its me Suho ur oppa. How are you today, Carzz? I hope ur doing okay...i know ur missing Kris and so do i...dont worry im always here despite that im busy with my studies now...give me a call anytime u need me. byee :)"
I paused, left downright stunned. If I could, I wanted to tell him things like: "oppa i missed you", "i wish u r here with me", things like that...
But I couldn't, I know I'll just be a bother. He had been too kind, understanding and most of all, caring. He knew I loved him dearly -only until the family-like treatment department.
I accepted that for a long time, including those misery years of my middle school life. I never told him of my horrible encounters and experiences.
Until Kris came, it changed.
I guess I have been too selfish.
k r i s
Grabbing his car keys, he opened the garage and entered in his Range Rover vehicle. He pushed the keys into its key hole, roaring the ignition on.

Don't Go {Kris FF}
FanfictionHE was lost, confused, misunderstood and shattered in the universe he is boundering within. SHE was sad, depressed, hurt and left by the suppose to be world she lays flat living in. ----------------------------- © xbunnycupcakes 2014