last chapter huhuhu.
while you guys wait for special chapter, please read my new story called "Hey, Mr. Tad Bit Manly" a Luhan FF (english). i hope you'll also support the new story as much you did with this. i swear, i won't disappoint you with that story. <3
Three months later.
c a r i s s a
Seoul Institute Hospital . . .
Hours and hours waiting outside the operation room, I found myself yawning while sitting down. I entwined my fingers together, silently murmuring prayers.
Please dear God almighty, I hope everything will be okay. Spare his thy life, for he has things to finish yet in this world. I love him, his mom loves him and we all love him.
"'Cari, why don't we just go home already?" Baekhyun said with tired eyes, mumbling on his voice. I breathed, installing positive things inside my head.
"Andwaeyooo Baek. Only two hours more, please..." I mocked when another yawn came from my mouth. I looked at the time in my phone, " I swear by nine in the morning, it's done."
"Aish..." He roared, like a little puppy complaining with it's paws. I could notice the gray bags under his miniature eyes. My bestfriend still cute as ever. "I think I have to go ahead. I promised Taeyeon-noona to help her prepare with her eomma's party."
"Won't she mind if she founds out I dragged you in this kind of situation?" I huffed, my circles growing older. I playfully took off my flats for fresh feet air.
"I don't think so." He said shortly and stood up, scanning something from his bag. "Here, I don't want you starving while waiting for the operation to finish." Having his hands on with orange bottled drink and red bean paste, he placed this over my lap.
"Arraseo, Baekkie." I thanked him, setting aside the offer he gave milliseconds ago to embrace him. "Kamsamnida, I hope you'll always be happy with her my cutie patootie bestie. <3" I made a cat face, pinching his nose.
"Yah, stop that." He chinked his eyes together as he said that. He grabbed my head with both of his hands, banging it left and right.
Urgh. I hate it when he does that. (ˋ^ˊ)
"Baek-ahh!!!" I yelled in a pitch tone until his hand clasp my mouth. We let go of each other, drunken by the depths of people's stare on us. "Mianhe, my voice was too loud."
"Aish..." He said plainly and continued, "I better get going now, Rissa." He waved a hand as he parted ways towards the white corridors.
"Anneoyong, Baekkie." I replied back, waving a hand back to him as he glanced into my position. "Take care!"
I sat back, swapping my attention to the bottled drink and fish bread with red bean paste. I unwrapped the filling, muching the delicious delicacy.
I'm glad to have a bestfriend like him.
I'm glad that he fell in love with anothe girl, not me.
I'm glad this doubts on my love to him has come to an end.
I'm glad it's all over.
Twelve at noon, I decided to head to Marianna's Cafe, where it was minutes near from the mini grocery I used to work. I entered the air-conditioned interior, walking towards the menu counter center.

Don't Go {Kris FF}
FanfictionHE was lost, confused, misunderstood and shattered in the universe he is boundering within. SHE was sad, depressed, hurt and left by the suppose to be world she lays flat living in. ----------------------------- © xbunnycupcakes 2014