I don't know why but I always do turtle updates.
Just a short reminder to you that this chapter is usually "flashbacks".There you gooooo.
c a r i s s a
- f l a s h b a c k -
On a bright, sunny day, I walked my way towards the garden. Mesmerizing the beautiful scent of Magenta and Ivory, a tickle from my ear caught my attention.
"Hey...that...ti...tickles!" I said in between my little laughs as he wiggled the sunflower to my ear.
"Hey, beautiful." His gentle yet deep, sexy voice called me.
"Is the flower for me?" I asked, referring to the sunflower.
"Nah," he teased, "I'm too fabulous to give you this flower." He laughed and began to sat beside me, rolling the tall stem of the flower with his fingers.
"Huhuhuhu Kris..." I pouted, playfully hitting him on his arm, "you like the flower more than me..."
Of course, I'm just playing along with him, mind you.
"Oh cm'on, I'm just too fabulous..." He bragged, his teeth-chattering smile sparkled.
"Kris ♪♪♪" I called his name in a sing-songy way, "I brought some cookies."
He ran up to me, immediately snaking his arm around me. "Come on, feed me."
I blushed in deep crimson but then, I tossed a cookie to his mouth. I heard him munching it into pieces.
"Hmm...it's good." He commented, even though his mouth was full.
"Of course, I made it." I proudly told him then he signalled me to toss him another one, "especially for you."
"Thanks, love." He whispered in my ear and stole a kiss from my lips. I could feel the sensation when his smooth lips came in contact to my cheeks. This time, I'm hoarding bunches of tomato.
"Anything for you, dear." I beamed at him with glee and tilted my heels to reach his face. I kissed him back, to the result of him smiling more.
On a random day, he visited my house. Busy in the kitchen, I chopped carrots to complete the ingredient to my dish.
Looking at him, he was watching basketball –specifically NBA, which was his favorite.
I grinned widely, feeling like a 16-year old maiden day dreaming about her first love. Who doesn't read fairytales, anyway?
"OUCH!" I screamed as I felt the small cut in my right middle finger, continuously bleeding.
I heard him ran towards the kitchen, grabbed my right hand and examining it throughout the middle one bleeding.
He made me sat to the sofa, waiting for him to get the First Aid Kit. I watched him as he applied alcohol slowly but surely to my injured finger, putting betadine and sealing it with a bandaid. He then set aside the kit and sat beside.
" 'Careful next time, okay?" He said in a worrywart tone.
"Of course I will. Thanks anyway..."I told him, burying my face in his rock-hard steel chest.
"Anything for you, love." He kissed my forehead.
- e n d -
I snapped back to reality, realizing that it's almost summer. The summer, where it all began.

Don't Go {Kris FF}
FanficHE was lost, confused, misunderstood and shattered in the universe he is boundering within. SHE was sad, depressed, hurt and left by the suppose to be world she lays flat living in. ----------------------------- © xbunnycupcakes 2014