the reason {special chapter}

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double uupdate. <333

this chapter will talk about the situational reasons of krease about his sudden leave (just in this ff ofc xD) and how he cope with it through open oppurtunites.

and of course, let's not forget our lovely-slash-emotionally weird character, carissa. ♥


k r i s

Their practice has come to a dismissal but still, it didn't stop him from dribbling and shooting the ball high to the ring. He muffled his sweat, wiping it with the hand towel circling his neck.

He grabbed his gym bag that was on a front bleacher when suddenly his coach approach him.

"What is it, hyung?" He asked, the same cool voice he'd used as usual.

"Kris, we all know that you're the best team captain in this universe, am I right?"

Half-smiling, he looked at the older, "tss. Of course I am."

This time, the coach stretched a serious mark on his face, "I don't know with you but lately, I didn't feel that basketball spirit in you."

Slightly dumbfounded, he widened his eyes. "Wae? Haha, you've got to be kidding me, hyung."

"You know Kris, a play is a play and a game is a game. You play the rules right in order to win. But if you lose," his coach said in a deep voice, eyes narrowing to the side where he stared the basketball ring meters away, "there are chances or shall we say, it's over."

His teamates left, leaving him alone. Pressure was all over him because the game will be next week. Stress was a huge word.

He sat on one of the bleachers inside the indoor school gym. He could feel his heart beating decreasing, rare that it should pump to its normal accuracy.

Finals was over and summer was fast approaching, he could not wait to see his English results. It's his forte and it's expected that he can pass a passing mark —hopefully, this time.


He ressumed on his self one-on-one shoots, until his sweat body surrendering. He grabbed his gym bag and there it was, his phone sounding like non-stop.

Loads of missed calls and messages mostly came from his girlfriend. It's been three days —three damn days since they physically meet. The fact of not seeing her, made him feel guilty and his condition went from bad to worse.

Calm yourself, Kris. You're just okay, right handsome? He assured himself, shaking his head left and right to brush negative thoughts. You'll be okay. She'll be okay. We'll be okay.


Ms. Kang's subject room, AS301 . . .

He exits the gym, heading straight to his English proffesor's room. Upon arrival, he went over to her table. She knew what he meant at this time.

"Ms. Kang, how's my grading so far?" He said, not letting his self-esteem to drain that quickly. Inside him, he too was sort of nervous and jump-y at the same time.

No kidding, it was his favourite subject after all.

"Mr. Yifan, I don't know how to say this but I'm quite disappointed with your progress," his English teacher told him, the way she explained in a downright manner.

"Ms. Kang, you're wrong about that," he said with confidence, straightening his self position.

"I know you're a great student, Mr. Wu. You should've have focused more than just that basketball thing." She suggested, showing her his mark that was listed on her note record.

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