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After all that exposing, the God of Death feels like he isn't exposing him enough, He needed to show them the good deeds his beloved other child has done.

Of course he was careful not to let the other Gods know about his little enterta- I mean little help as to not disturb a certain someone.

It is for his own protection and his own life to save.

That certain someone might interfere with the little help he's done. Speaking of the system is getting oddly slow processing the next game.

He should tell it to hurry. And to ignore the constellations messages, he should block them.

"What's taking so long?"

Of course the system answered rather fastly, [The Game is currently choosing the difficulty of the next scenario]

"So, what's the games next level of difficulties?"

[I cannot tell you, although I can tell you the scenarios next scene]

The system took a second before saying the next words.


〔After Cale went inside the door he was transferred to a dark place, it was pitch black and he can't see anything but a blue screen beside him.

That was the only light he had.

"This is annoying.... Your all annoying"

Was what he said when he looked towards the chat box where the constellations would send their messages.

➥Don't be like that my dear Cale!

➥Is it true?! I appear in this chapter?!
I love you TOO much Author<33

@Neon_Writter to Harry_OTPisthebest
➥° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧

@pary_black to God Of Death
➥What I mean bastard is that you took cale-baby against his will

@paty_black to (9)
➥Yes btch 7w7

@Emiko_Hatake1233 to (9)

@ThisUserisTaken to Cale
➥One of Questions:Do you care about anyone living in your world

Cale: 'Gell the f*uck no'

Room:Turns red and buzzes



"Excuse me? The fuck does that mean? It better not mean what I think it is! I don't care about those garbages period."

Cale said rolling his eyes out〕

"As expected of a trash" (Noble 1)

"Say that again and you shall perish" Amiru and Eric said in unison Very protective of their childhood friend Cale.

〔The chat box continued.


@Emiko_Hatake1233 to Cale (Are you in a relationship?)
➥Sure not know.... But there's always later

@ThisUserisTaken to (11)
➥I agree! How could you doubt our precious Cale


'Who? Doubt? Me?'

Cale was confused on who this constellation was talking about.... If... If what he think is true then.... No it can't be, there is no way someone would do that right?

There is no way he's little quest is being broadcast for the world to see and for the world to hear his thoughts right now right?....

There is no way a maniac would only do that... Yeah... Thats right... He shouldn't panic over something so impossible. 〕

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