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Cale parked the car in a desolated area to fill it up with gas, the shield was already down as Eun and Noah were sleeping peacefully.

Right now he was looking at the constellation chat box who was now open yet limited.

[<"First, he saved a monsters child and then save a commoners child  now he adopts both of them?!"

"Has he know audacity painting the noble society with such dirt?!">

To the random nobles: Aren't you guys the worse monster here ? Plus You guys are tainting noble hood with your existence so if you want it to be pure, disappear please <3

<"Are you sure they would give it to me? More importantly is this even a good idea?">

To (7); Your adopted parents would probably fight to give you what you want but... you're gonna have to tryna ask them, I don't want to give you anything in case they fight for custody ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

<"Is science more dangerous than our black magic?">

To the dark mages; In a way science is way more horrible than black magic. Black magic was known from the start as a dangerous thing and from the name alone, people would stay away from them. Science, however all started with a simple innocent curiousity. From the question "why is the sky blue?" And due to human never ending curious nature turned to "What if we dont let people sleep for more that a week and see the result?", Spoiler alert: they went insane Plus, black magic couldn't be done by just anyone while the total opposite. Everyone uses science in their daily lives.]- (Constellation @Ember_snowy}


"Ahhh, so that's the difference between science and dark magic" One of the dark mages mumbled.

"Uhm should we learn about science then?" One proposed.

"Should we?"


Eruhaben was interested in knowing more about this science stuff. He also planned to exchange location, seeing the dark elves still bowing and muttering praises are now getting annoying.


"Science huh..." Rasheel yawns "is there science that'll help you get a good sleep?


"Mom! Science sound interesting!" Dodori for the first time wanted to learn something.

"Is science the inventor of the artifacts young master Cale uses?" Mila wondered.


The nobles couldn't answer with negative bicker as it was from a god. Although they held malice inside their hearts.


"What adoptive parents?" (7) wondered, the only one who helped him grow into the man he is now is his grandmother he didn't have any parents.

"Oh! Maybe it's the constellation we noticed a few days ago" (8)

"Yeah! The one who fought about you" (9)

"They fought for custody" (10)


Cale raised his eyebrow, why was this Constellation talking about science and nobles all of a sudden.

"I really am being watched aren't i"

He sighed, he thought he was only being watched by gods and not by the people of his world and the numbers such as (7) and (1) are only codenames.

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