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After all of that trouble and all of that... weirdness the villains had felt, it was now time to head onto the next game after Cale had received the next reward for the game he just played.

[what taking so long?]

{The game is slowly progressing trying sync with the players capabilities}

The god was extremely bored and wanted to see more of his other childs adventures, so he wanted to really get it going and make things a lot faster.

{we can make it much more faster if we take down one of our screens}

[... really?]


[then whats the wait take whatever screen down immeadiately so we can get over it]

{as you wish}

The message screen box started to glitch which made the constelations on the other side of the screen frown.


"what is happening?"

"i dont know about you guys but this bitch of a system wont let me message my dear Cale!"

"The heck?! system whats happening?! i demand an explaination!"

The constelations off screen each expresses there disatisfacation and annoyance, and ofcourse the system answered all of their angry questions.

{To further make the syncronization faster the Host the GOD OF DEATH decided to take down the message screen, for now you will not be able to message the player}


"f*ck Y**!"

"God of death you evil bastard i will hunt you for this"

"how dare you get in the way of me and my Cale!"

The god of death gulped he didin't think the screen that the system would take down was the message screen, well he already prepared a place to hide from them so he should be alright...

"the screen beside me vanished.."

"huh? mine too"

"is there something wrong?"

{do not fret mortals for this is only temporary so that we could make the syncronization alot more faster}

the humans below who witnessed their message screen disappear were surprised buut calmed down after hearing the explaination of the system.

{the syncronization is complete proceeding for the next game}


inside the game the door appeared this time it was now colored with a red color, cale was too afraid to think of the horrifying things he would later then experience inside thsi door.

'lets...lets just get this over with'

Cale decided to just quickly get whatever this is to end, he wanted to go back to being trash and not care about anything at all.


"now isn't he just being selfish?"

some person said as she scoffs.

"b*tch shut the f*ck up!" (1) said as (2) nods in agreement.

"he has the right to be selfish, did you even pay attention to the previous games?" (3)

"he's doing this for us to be able to hold information for the future war and your saying his selfish?"(2)


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