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Cale yet again found himself back in the white room. It had been awhile since he came here. He was still sitting on the ground faced away from the screen.


"Young master is crying..." Hans muttered as he could hear faint sobs from the screen.


'And i thought he was a heatless bastard' Choi-han wanted to slap his past self, but he still couldn't forgive Cale for saying such things to his family.


"I wish they would find a way to reunite" (6) muttered.

"Don't worry babe, im sure they will, the problem now is not that" (5)

"What could be more important than that?" (4)

"We still haven't found her yet" (5) sighs she had been looking far to spot the girl they were looking for.

"You worry too much, she can take care of herself for all i know she's the strongest put of all of us" (1)

"That's not the problem Elvis" (5)


/Cale! Phew you're okay good/

Rory popped from Cale's back as he saw Cale wipe the tears in his eyes.

/ you want a moment before we proceed?.../

Cale shook his head, "No im fine lets continue "

Rory looked at him hesitantly but nodded at his request.

/Alright, if thats what you want/

Rory gave Cale his rewards, Cale checked the box and acquired the next information.

/Alright the next game would be-/

I'll take it from here

A female voice echoed


"That's what i was worried about" (5) sighed and shook her head.

"Well... atleast we found her?...." (6)


"That can't be that girl!"

God of Death stood up from his seat in a flash and turned to the floating system beside him.

"Why is she in there?!?"



Cale was kidnapped and brought to an unfinished game by an unknown individual


"Cale?!" The Henituse family screamed in horror.

"Why is my hyung getting kidnapped from left in right?!" Basen cried in agony and worry for his hyung.


"What's wrong with you guys?" Bud looked at (11)

"Ahh, oh no" (11)

The Adventures Of Cale Henituse (TBOAH) Where stories live. Discover now