Back to the past (4)

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Everyone was nervous for the next time the screen would light up. The tension was evident in the air. Cale Henituse was in danger that was obvious for all to see.

"Please, please bring him back to us safely" Basen muttured as he clasped his hands and prayed. He had much to do with his hyung once he returned.

Lily aswell as the rest of the Henituse family was praying and hoping for his safe return home.


"Well this just got... a bit troublesome" Eruhaben couldn't help bit sigh he had a feeling he would be sighing much more after this break.

"Will that human be okay Mom?" Dodori asked his mother, he was quite worried for that human as he caught his interest.

Mila looked down at her son and showed him a smiled "ofcourse, it seems to me that the gods quite like that child very much" Rasheel who was beside her nodded.

"I agree its quite weird actually" He says as he yawns. In anyway he just hoped this would be finished quickly so that he can go back to his long awaited nap.


The God of Death was having a (not) peaceful conversation with the Sun God, when they were suddenly interrupted (thankfully) by one of the systems management worker.

-Huh? What are you doing here

"That's not how you say hello dear God of Death-nim"

The management worker of the system bowed down in respect and smiled at the two holly beings in front of him.

-Is there something wrong? Abyss did you do something wrong for him to be sent here?

-What do you mean?! Am i always the one you turn to whenever something goes wrong?! (Death)

-...Is that supposed to be a question? Of course whenever something goes wrong it's mostly your doing.

-Oh is that so, what about that time where an entire race almost went extinct because of some God's doing was it my doing also?! (Death)

-....Don't you dare bring up my past mistakes because you can't except reality Abyss!

While the two God's were quarreling the management worker of the system coughed to get their attention.

"While i do find your relationship interesting dear God and Goddess-nim i sadly don't have enough time for it"

-What relationship?! (Death)

-Ha! When pigs fly will i ever consider that! (Sun)

The creature could only smile and sigh at the same time.

-Which reminds me, why are you here weren't you assigned on a different time?

The god of death questioned which made the creature smile even more.

"I happened to have completed that assignment Abyss-nim"

-If that's so aren't you suppose to return back to her side? Why are you here...Ichigo

(A/N: does anyone remember our dear ichigo?)


"Huh? Look the screen is back again!" Shouted one of the commoners making everyone in that area's attention go towards the newly opened screen.

Cale suddenly felt something was wrong

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