𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚

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saiyaka had dumped her belongings in a small, random apartment she had situated herself in for the time being, and she was slightly surprised how well-maintained it looked

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saiyaka had dumped her belongings in a small, random apartment she had situated herself in for the time being, and she was slightly surprised how well-maintained it looked.

she had figured this world looked oddly frozen since she had arrived, however, the small dish or various fruits that were rotten and crumbled situated on the kitchen bench said otherwise.

anyways, she had followed the bright, neon signs to a big, maintained-looking apartment complex, the only things she'd kept on her were her her headphones, a cassette which contained an artic monkey album called 'AM', her favorite non-Asian band, a smaller, more pocket-sized bottle of water and one medium-sized can of bottled, white spray paint located in the inside pockets of her hoodie. 

as saiyaka strolled up to the complex, a smirk formed on her face. she knew she wasn't the only person in this abandoned fish bowl. at the news of company, her face stayed emotionless, she raised her head up higher and shoved her hands inside the pockets of her hoodie.

as she walked inside the lobby, her eyes went straight to a table with phones stacked on it. as she read the label, she did as told and took a phone.

as she arrived around the table her mind immediately went to work. 

she evaluated every person there, based on their emotions, physique and attitude.

saiyaka first set her eyes apon an attractive girl, who was stretching her knees and bending her bones. she could tell by her physique that she was strong. her arms where slightly more toned than the rest of her body and that gave away that she relied more on her upper body strength than lower, drawing her to the conclusion that she was either a gymnast or a recreational climber. she was based more on physical games and by her presence, saiyaka guessed that this game would be physical.

then she set her sights on a man with toned muscles, scars and high posture. immediately, saiyaka could tell this man was strong, judging by the muscles strewn through the black tank top he was wearing. she guessed he was either military or ex-military and based on that, it gave saiyaka a stronger opinion that this game was physical based.

next, a duo with black shaggy hair and a blond with short hair. and saiyaka could tell they were contrasting each other. she concluded that this was a duo based on brains and brawn. they were talking to a short man in a hat, and saiyaka could tell he was more the mischievous type, based on his expression and emotion. 

curious to hear their conversation, saiyaka lifted an earphone from her ear, deliberately making sure to do the opposite one that was facing them.  and from the way the conversation was playing out, saiyaka  had drawn several conclusions from the way they talked to the information contained inside. 

firstly, these 'games' were based on the subject and difficulty on a traditional playing card.

the number on the card determined the difficulty of the upcoming challenge, one being the lowest, and ten being the highest.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋, ꜱ. ᴄʜɪꜱʜɪʏᴀWhere stories live. Discover now