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saiyaka awoke to pitch black. vast miles of nothingness in her wake.

she knew she was awake, she could shift her arms in her chair and wiggle her legs. so why couldn't she see?

'oh right, I was kidnapped.' saiyaka thought, blinking owlishly.
only then, she could register the uncomfortable bag wrapped around her sweaty forehead and sticking to it annoyingly.

she could feel her baby hairs sticking to her hairline, and her hair ruffling against the bag. she was pissed off already, but now. now, she knew they these bitches had messed up usagi's hard work on her hair, and she was mad.

wait, usagi?

last she remembered, they were all scoping out the perimeter of the beach, figuring out a way in to the supposed utopia.

from what she could remember before being shoved in the back of a van with a bag over her head,  usagi and arisu were there with her, scoping out the compound.

'what happened? are they okay?' saiyaka wondered worryingly.

she really, really hoped they were okay. however, her doubts were lifted when she heard a loud, annoying pubescent groan next to her.

'so arisu's here, what about usagi?' saiyaka wondered, worried for her friends' well-being.

"saiyaka. arisu? are you guys there?" usagi asked, her voice quiet and scared.

"yessir." saiyaka mumbled aloud, toying with her restraints. she heard arisu yell something too, but she couldn't hear it too well.

the tense atmosphere around her was increasing by the second, she knew that they knew she was awake, so why wouldn't they take the damn bag of her head.

she was tapped on the head, hard. her wrists' restraints were lifted and set free, before the bag was lifted off her head and she was greeted with a bright, white light.

"ouch." saiyaka hissed, blinking rapidly.

"good morning." a lady in a black shirt and cropped shirt spoke, smiling and linking her hands together.

"i apologize for this rude introduction. our sentries reported people spying on us." a man in a dark blue shirt and light blue pants spoke.

'how polite' saiyaka thought, sneering.

"why are you here." a girl with a white blouse, sunglasses and dark, denim shorts asked darkly.

"holy shit. suddenly, I'm really gay."  saiyaka interrupted, blinking and blushing slightly at the sight of the short haired woman. the woman in question eyes' widened and she stopped walking, taken aback at the bluntness of the girl.

"oh shit i said that out loud, didn't i. im so sorry!"  saiyaka spoke embarrassingly, reaching her hands up and waving them around frantically infornt of her face.

"please uh- continue." saiyaka said, clearing her throat and rembering that these were the people who kidnapped her and her friends. her serious composure returned and she she narrowed her eyes.

"i was told i could find answers here. what is this game, where is everybody?" arisu spoke softly, worried for the situation he put himself and his friends in.

suddenly, a loud bang rang through the hall. and a man in a red and black robe with red and white swimming shorts strode in confidently.

"where indeed, we have the answers you're looking for." he came over, putting his hands on saiyaka and arisu's chairs and looking them up and down.


to the oasis known as the beach." he spoke smugly. laughing and throwing his hands up.

"here is the first answer." he said beamed, snapping his fingers as two of his henchmen peeled open large, wooden doors behind the man and two women from the start.

saiyaka looked up to see all the cards in a playing deck spray painted onto a wall, most of them having a cross through them.

"allow me to enlighten you." he gushed, spreading his arms wide.

"these cards are the only way to get back to your world. to clear the game, you must collect all the cards!" he announced, turning around and smiling at the three.

"if we collect all the cards, will the world we know return?" usagi implored, on guard at the mans' odd behavior.

"the world won't return. one one person may return to the normal world, that person will be the one who has collected all the cards." he concluded.

"huh?" arisu spoke dumbfounded. "only one?"

"its impossible for one person to clear the game and collect all fifty-two cards. so here, we all work together for  a cause. a cause; to send people back to the normal world." he replied.

"that is the beaches objective."

"you have been given good cards, iv'e been told. from now on, we unite together and play as one. collecting all the cards for the cause." he spoke, triwrling around and walking towards the three.

"do you put on this little song and dance routine for everyone you kidnap- i mean, recruit?" saiyaka snapped, sneering at the man defensibly. 

she didn't like this man. he seemed too confident, too cocky. he looked weak and collecting all the cards was a selfish desire so only he could go home.

'this man is no leader.' saiyaka observed.

"feisty, are we?" he replied, seemingly amused at the girl's comment. "i like that."

saiyaka audibly gagged, grimacing at the man's poor attempt at flirting with her.

"yuck." saiyaka spat.

the man faltered, stopping and furrowing his brows.

"what if we refuse?" arisu spoke, sounding more confident and opposing.

"you can't say no!" the man laughed, sitting down on a table and eyeing the three in the chairs. "your visas expire today, seems like you have to join us, yeah?"

"your saying if we help you, this will all be over?" usagi mumbled, questioning him. 

"can't answer that for certain." he shrugged, standing up and walking past them towards the man in the dark blue shirt.

as hatter started explaining his mad ideas, saiyaka ignored him, he sounded brash and over-the-top.

"we use rainwater and batteries for power and water. we get firearms from the living and the dead." hatter spoke.

"AND! in this paradise, we have three rules." he expressed, holding up three fingers.

"rule one, you always wear a swimsuit. no weapons can be hidden in them." he remarked, hinting to his swimming trousers. "here, you are allowed to get high on drugs, have sex all you want, and drink alchohol. enjoy life while you can! Additionally, no secrets. all locks and keys have been destroyed and thrown away."

"rule two! all cards are the beaches property. I have been told you have been felt good cards, so I'll hold onto these for now." he added, swiping his hand against the table, picking up saiyaka, arisu and usagi's hard earned cards.

"why?" arisu spoke, confused and oblivious.

hatter chuckled. "and that brings me to rule three." he spoke, pausing.

"and that's death to all traitors."

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋, ꜱ. ᴄʜɪꜱʜɪʏᴀWhere stories live. Discover now