007: Overprotective Much

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( i REMOVED toya and kanade but lets js say theyre added as childhood friends. or technically js kanade so they frequently visit! )

You're in Saki's perspective.

I ran home with joy! I can't wait to tell Tsukasa, Toya and Kanade about my date! Once I reached my street, I started walking. I was peacefully walking until I heard my brother scream out-

Tsukasa: UNO!!!!!!!!

It was so loud the whole ground shook. I rushed home because I thought it was an emergency. I quickly opened the door to see my brother and our friends playing Uno.

Kanade: You're so loud, Tsukasa.
Tsukasa: LOUD?!?!?
Toya: She's right, you know.
Saki: W-what's happening?
Tsukasa: Ah! Saki! You're back! Where'd you go?
Saki: I went on a date ♪

Kanade and Tsukasa stood up quickly dropping their Uno cards on the ground.

Tsukasa & Kanade: DATE?!?!?

Kanade and Tsukasa ran to me. Well, Tsukasa did. Kanade couldn't even run. They asked me like, a thousand of questions!

Tsukasa & Kanade: WHO DID YOU GO OUT WITH?!
Saki: Chill out guys, it was just Ichi-chan.
Kanade: Oh, then, I have no problems.

Kanade walked back to where Toya was sitting and just stared at me.

Saki: Yeah!
Tsukasa: Why didn't you tell me?
Saki: I don't need to tell you everything, Onii-chan.
Tsukasa: Wait.... Do you have a crush on Ichika?
Saki: I think so.
Toya: You probably do. Sometimes when we have dinner, you usually talk about your band. Now, you mostly talk about Ichika and her looks.
Saki: I do?!
Kanade: Yeah. And we have to listen.
Saki: I have a crush on Ichi-chan?!

I couldn't believe it. Do I really talk about Ichi-chan all the time? But, now that I think about it, I think I do have a crush on Ichi-chan. You know what. In a few days, I'll confess to Ichi-chan! If she rejects me. It's fine. We'll still be best friends!

Saki: I'll confess to Ichi-chan.
Kanade: WHAT?!
Tsukasa: If she rejects you I'll give her a kick in the a-
Saki: No need, Onii-chan! It'll be fine if she rejects me. We'll still be best friends anyway!
Toya: But if she doesn't?
Saki: Then..... I'll be the best girlfriend ever to her! I'll give her hugs and kisses and-
Kanade: Okay, enough. Hugs and kisses in a lovey dovey way disgusts me.

We all laughed except Kanade. Kanade marched upstairs to her room. Toya and Tsukasa cleaned up the Uno cards and I went to my room. I put on my PJs.

I still had the bow in my hair. I turned off the lights and saw the mini stars on the ceiling glow. I thought about how to confess to Ichi-chan. I thought a lot that night and fell asleep when I was done.

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