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"Damn it," I curse under my breath.

I threw everything up, and now my stomach is empty. I took off the jacket because it was too hot, and I didn't want anyone to see me in this situation. All my hands were bruised because of what that monster did to me in these months. Hell, I don't know when these will even fade from my skin. 

"Molly?" No. You can't see me like that, Romeo.

The voice kept ringing in my ears. "Get out of the bathroom, Romeo," I yelled through the door. I know he heard me. My voice was loud enough for him to hear. 

I don't want to start a scene now and get all the attention from people here, even though no one cares because they're all busy dancing and drinking. While some of them are drunk and making out or fucking in the bathroom. Because I can hear some moans coming from the door. 

I wash my face. What should I do now? I waited some minutes, and when I heard that he was gone, I went outside. He was standing there with frustration in his dark, pierced eyes. Why did I even come to hear it? But hell, Molly, where would you go? You have no friends, no family, and no place. 

He changed. His eyes, his hair, his style, and his body. I'm not going to lie. And if I'm being honest, he has always been hot since we were kids. Even though we were enemies, and we still are, he's fucking handsome.

"Molly, who did this to you? Molly, if you don't fucking say who did this to you, I'll burn the whole damn city, and I swear to you, I'll do it." His veins popped out of his throat. I forgot to put my jacket on.

I've never seen him this angry. Why does he care that much, though? He used to bully me, treat me badly, make all the boys in our class laugh at me, even the girls.

"None of your business, Romeo! Since when do you care? Please look. I don't have the energy to get into an argument anymore." I turned my heels back and went to the exit. 

He used to bully me for years. Now, what's happened to him? He's becoming the kind of man who cares.

"When I talk to you, you fucking listen to me and answer as understood. Now tell me, Molly, who did this to you? I'm asking you for the last time." He grabs my hand roughly. 

"Romeo, you're hurting me," I say softly, my eyes tearing up. Flashbacks started rushing through my head about what Alexander used to do to me. 

"Fuck, I'm sorry, please tell me." He mutters, leaving my hand. Leaving me with no space anymore. He wants to know, and I don't want to. 

Fine, I will tell him. I mean, I wanted to open up to someone. I told him everything, I opened my heart to him, and I didn't keep anything inside. I couldn't keep it all to myself. Furthermore, I needed to vent, and there's only him left right now. 

"It all started when I got accepted to the university. I was on a call with my boyfriend, but Mom came and heard me say that I was going to live with him alone in an apartment. My dream was to go to New York City and study there, and when they accepted me, I told him directly." I sigh. 

"And then mom heard me and told dad everything, and dad called me a slut or whore. I don't know the fuck. Oh, and a bitch just because I'm going to live with a man alone in an apartment and because I'm in a relationship. I hated them so much, and my sisters didn't dare say a word because my dad even slapped me hard in the face. I also hate Mom because all that happened because of her, I hate her, and all of them till death." My eyes teared up.

But I needed this. I needed to open up to someone and say everything in my heart. I've been holding on for a long time, and now I need to vent it all.

"Anyway, that's so bullshit, I know. After some days, my dad made me marry a partner who works with him in the company; that man was in his 60s, and when he took me, he used to abuse me every day; he raped me and took my fucking virginity; he used to hit me with a belt if he was too angry. And that's it, he's on a business trip, so I escaped. I hope he won't find me. So yeah, and that's how everything got messed up." I finish. I didn't want to cry anymore, I didn't want him to see me weak, but I couldn't help it.

"Molly, why didn't you call me? I swear, if I see that bastard, I'll kill him. I'm sorry, Molly. Not only that, but I didn't know this would happen to you." He sounded mad and somehow sad. You could hear that in his tone. And that's suspicious. He never cared. 

"Romeo, how am I going to tell you if I don't have my number? And why should I call you? Not to forget that you're my enemy, and we both know that we hate each other. Forget it, though. The only thing that matters now is that I escaped." I lower my voice.

He was about to say something, but God, just let me die now.

"Oh, here you are, beautiful. I finally found you." This voice. It was Alexander.

How did he find me?

Romeo looked at me and inquired, "Is that him?" Is this the bastard who did this to you?" His voice was full of catty anger.

I ignored Romeo and turned to look at Alex. My heart was full of anger and pain for this man.

"Why are you here?" I want you out of my life. You never get tired of doing this shit to me? You don't get tired of abusing me and raping me every day?" I yell at him, and I don't care if people hear me. I want them to know that. 

I was tired of him. He didn't say a word. Romeo grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Alexander.

"She's not going anywhere," Romeo demands getting up. Romeo's bodyguards pull Alexander away, and Romeo calls the police.

Will Alexander do something? Will he kill Romeo? Is he going to run? What will happen next? I started fidgeting with my fingers nervously.

The sound of the police grew as they got closer, and my heart started beating fast. What if Alexander shoots someone? What if he did something? The police arrived, and they arrested Alexander. Nothing happened, and everything was good. I felt so relieved that he got arrested and that I got to live my life again after all this time. 

I'm never going to get to see him again. He's going to die and be like a smelly fish in prison. Thanks to Romeo, I never thought this would happen. 

"Thank you, Romeo. I appreciate what you did." I thank him. It was rare.

Even though I was just telling him that I hated him, now I'm thanking him. Well, people change, but not in a couple of seconds. Why do I care now?

He smiles and says, "Hey, where are you sleeping tonight?" He's worried about me. I cringe. That wasn't us.

"Don't worry, I took everything he owned from money, I'm going to go to a hotel for this day, and tomorrow I'll buy a house." I flash him a small forced smile with a nod and leave. 

Don't forget who he is. And what he did to you, Molly.

I stayed in a hotel, and now I was sitting on the couch. After some time of resting, I took a hot bath and went to sleep because tomorrow was going to be a new day for me.

My life is going to change tomorrow, everything will change. I need to work and have my own money. I don't need anything from this man, I only want him to rot in prison.

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