chapter 8

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I'm in my room finishing up my term paper when my phone rings.
I don't bother to look at it, no distractions almost done, I say to myself as I type the last few sentences of my paper.


I press send on my laptop, and grab my phone. I've never see this number before.

Hello, is this reya castro

Speaking, I say a little confused

Ma'am we need you to come down to 245 Winston street there's been an accident.

Omg that's the café, I'll be there in 20

I hang up the phone and run to resse's room, there's been an accident at the café I gotta go. Resse jumps up I coming with you, we get in the car and drive to the café.

When we pull up it's police cars everywhere and an ambulance.
I walk to the offcer standing at the door.

Sir I'm reya I was called to come down, what happened?

Come with me he says. As we fallow him inside I can see blood over the counter and smeared on the glass below it.
There's a body with a white sheet over it by the counter and another by the tables.

Hello ma'am I'm detective keeler I'm the one that called you.
He leans down, and removes the top part of the sheet. Ma'am can you confirm this is Maggie Hill.

I feel like my heart is caught in my throat I can't speak, it's like I forgot how to breathe.
I nod my head yes, tears fall uncomfortably. Resse grabs me and hugs me tight, it's Maggie resse, it's really her I cry into her chest.

The detective ask questions and I answer them to the best of my ability, when he says he's done, they move the bodies to the morgue.
I stand there in the middle of the café.

What now Maggie didn't have any family, it was just her and her husband. What do I do now I can't leave her café like this I-I tears fall again, come one reya let's get you home okay.
We'll come back tomorrow and clean up okay.

I nod my head and get in the car. Everything was so good these past week's now this.
When we get home I go to my room and sit in my reading nook.

Reese comes in with a cup of tea.

Here reya drink this it'll help calm your nerves. I take the cup and take a sip.

I can't believe she's gone, I say in a soft voice, why would anyone want to hurt her?

I'm sorry reya, I know how you felt about Maggie.

She was like a mother to me resse, she believed in me, she, she-I break down in tears again resse sits next to me. I put my head in her lap and she hums and strokes my hair, something shes alway done since we were kids. I fall asleep.


I'm back at the old girls home where resse and I met.

It's okay reya you'll always have me, she says as I lay in her lap.
Hey I remember this day, I was getting picked on by one of the other girls that was leaving to be adopted. Resse came in and punched the girl in the lip. We're going to be sisters for ever, resse says. love you always reya. I love you infinite resse. Everything go's white then I see me at the bake sale. This is where I met Maggie. She was one of the sweetest people I've ever known, I'll never forget this, it was the day she offered me a job.


I wake up from my sleep to my alarm going off.
I get up and put on some jogging pants, crop top and put my hair in a bun. I go to resse's room but she's not there. RESSE! RESSE! I call out but no answer. I grab my keys and head to the café, once I pull up I park and get out. I text resse to meet me here.
I look up from my phone and see her standing infront.
Resse I- close your eyes, she says cutting me off.

W-what? I ask confused, just trust me she says.
Fine, I close my eyes and she leads me into the café. Okay now open them.

I open my eyes and look around to see the café is clean. I can see a picture of Maggie and her husband hanging by the cash register. Omg you guys thank you so much, I hug resse and corbin, you guys are the best.

So what's going to happen to the café, corbin ask drinking his coffee.

I'm not sure, Maggi bought up retirement a couple weeks ago. Maybe she was going to sell it I'm not sure.

I take a sip of my coffee, (Knock, knock) We all look the the door it's an older man with a Suit on.

I walk over to the door and open it, I'm sorry sir but we're not open right now.

You must be reya, he says holding out a hand for me to shake. I shake his hand, yes I'm reya sir, and you are?

Oh yes I'm Maggie's Attorney, I came here hoping to find you, I went to your home and you weren't there.

I'm sorry sir why are you looking for me? I ask as I take a seat with him at a table.
Well Maggie was really sick and came to me a few weeks ago and said to call you if something was to happen.
She left you this letter. He hands me the letter. I open it and read it.

Reya, my dear happy birthday.
The moment I met you I knew you were special. You are so hard working and so kind. You are like the daughter I've always wanted. I'm so proud of you and how much you've grown since we first met. I can't wait to see the wonderful things you cook up. love you my dear Maggie.

Tears roll down my face as I finish reading the letter. I look at the man across from me, thank you so much for this. That's not all she left you, it's not? I asked curiously. she also left you the café.
Resse spits out her coffee, Maggie what? I asked him.

here is all the paperwork you need for ownership and the keys to her safety deposit box at first coin bank. Omg, omg, omg.

You will need to come down to my office to sign a few things and then your all set. He hands me his card and walks out.

I look at resse and corbin who looks just as shocked as me. She left me every thing. I walk to the notes board under Maggie's picture and pin the letter she left me on it.
I look up at Maggie's picture, thank you I say in a low voice. Come on guys let's go home.

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