Chapter Nine

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I'M BACK :)! Not officially, but this chapter came into my head and I had to post it. This is to all the people who followed and reviewed on this story while I was on hiatus. You're the best!

Chapter Nine

"He likes you."

"Don't be silly."

"I've seen that look in a man's eyes before. He's sweet on you."

"Angel? Angel, are you all right?" Hope's concerned voice brought Angel back down to earth with a start and she flushed, realising she had been staring off into the distance.

"Sorry. I was just...daydreaming for a second."

"About a certain Aidan O'Connor?" Hope's eyes twinkled mischievously.

Angel raised her eyebrows. "You know about that too?"

"I heard Nellie talking. You're fond of him, aren't you?"

Angel blushed. "Shh!" She gestured over to the corner of the shop, where Lina and Maggie were playing house with a reluctant Jesse. "Even if I did admit to feelings for him, there's no guarantee that he would feel the same. No matter what Nellie says. He's still in love with Catherine." She couldn't help the pang of envy that stabbed her at those last words. Catherine had been beautiful, well-off, respectable. Everything that Angel wasn't.

Hope squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Don't give up. God has done wonders in your and his lives; if it's His will for you to fall in love, then you will." She leaned forward. "I...actually have some news as well."

Angel frowned. "What?"

The petite seamstress bit her lip, blushing like a schoolgirl. "I think I might be pregnant."

Angel's eyes widened. "Are you sure?" she asked, barely remembering to keep her voice low.

Hope smiled. "I'm not sure, but...I'm a few weeks late, and for the past couple of mornings I've been feeling rather queasy and don't have any appetite, sort of like I was with Maggie. I'm still going to have to go and see the doctor in Cheyenne, though, before I'm certain."

Angel beamed. "I'm so happy for you. Would you like it to be a boy or a girl?"

Hope shrugged. "I know Calvin would like a boy. We said when we were married that if we ever had children, it would be Andrew Adam McKay for a boy, and Elisabeth Rose McKay for a girl. Personally, I don't really mind as long as he or she is healthy. Maggie would love a brother or sister. She's been complaining that she doesn't see enough of Lina and Jesse." She glanced over at the children. Lina and Maggie were pouring 'tea' into wooden cups that Calvin had crafted for them, and Maggie handed one to Jesse, who took it with an expression of stifled exasperation at his predicament. "How are they doing anyway?"

"Better. Lina doesn't have nearly as many nightmares as she used to, and Jesse's behaving himself quite well. He's trying to learn to read too. I think they like coming into town." Angel smiled. "Maggie has Jesse wrapped around her little finger."

"Where is Aidan, by the way?" Hope asked.

"Luc took him to see Mr McConaughey about the job over at Charles Morgan's ranch."


Gregor McConaughey was broad and burly, with a thick Irish accent and a wide girth that suited his bellowing voice. He greeted Aidan with a bone-cracking handshake and an almost shouted welcome.

"Pleasure to meet ya, lad!"

Aidan smiled and tried not to wince. "Morning, Mr McConaughey."

"Always a joy to meet a fellow Irishman in this heathenish wasteland," Gregor laughed. "We've been shorthanded lately so I'm real happy for the help. Luc'll show you where to go."

Building wasn't one of Aidan's fortes, but as the day progressed he found he was enjoying himself more and more. Some of the men shot him suspicious looks and whispered behind their hands, but others smiled a welcome and chatted as they worked.

It was around noon when Gregor finally called for lunch. Aidan had just finished washing his face and hands in cool water when he heard the sound of a wagon pulling up to the ranch and looked up.

It was Angel, carrying a basket. Her wavy dark hair wisped around her face in the light breeze, and she brushed it back as she glanced around the site.

"Angel!" Luc called. "Over here!"

She turned and headed over, smiling. "Thought you could use some lunch. Nellie and Hope contributed most of it, but the sandwiches are mine." She handed it over. "How's the work going?"

"Pretty good," Aidan responded. He bit into one of the sandwiches, fighting the urge to grin. It was delicious.

"Nice," Luc commented. "Any pie?" He reached under the checkerwork cloth, only for Angel to slap his hand away.

"That's to be shared with the others," she said firmly, but there was a twinkle in her eye. "Nellie was quite specific about it."

Luc grinned. "Someday you're going to have to make one that's all for me."

"Dream on," she retorted, laughing.

Listening to their playful banter, Aidan felt the back of his neck grow hot. He swallowed the last of his sandwich, drained the cup of lemonade which had been handed to him by Angel, and jammed his hat back on his head. "We'd better go."

"All right. See you, Angel." Luc walked off, giving a wave in the brunette's direction. Aidan made to follow him, but stopped short, turning around. "Angel?"


He swallowed. "The sandwiches...they were real good."

Her face lit up with that beautiful smile and Aidan felt the blood rush to his head, but for an entirely different reason this time. "I'll pick you and the kids up on my way back from work." Before she could reply, he walked away, not stopping until he was completely out of her view around the corner of the ranch house. It was then that he leaned his back against the wall and sighed. Boy, am I in big trouble now.

He was in love with Angel Donovan.


The rider situated at the top of the ridge stared down at the lone figure leaning against the ranch house. A small smirk creased Denton Shannon's face. He'd let Aidan O'Connor off for too long now with mere humiliation. It was time for the townspeople to see what kind of man he really was. Time for Catherine to be avenged.

Denton's brow furrowed. He would have his revenge. He just had to figure out how.


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