Chapter Seven

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 I have no excuse. Procrastination is my main flaw as an author, and I'm sorry I made you wait all this time. I hope this chapter makes up for it, though :) Dedicated to all my amazing followers and reviewers - I love you so much <3!

Chapter Seven

It was the cry that woke Aidan, jerking him sharply into wakefulness. He sat up, running a hand through his hair. Lina's nightmares again. This was the third time in two weeks. He climbed out of bed, only to hear soft footsteps padding past his door and then Angel's gentle voice as she comforted the little girl. 

Leaving his bedroom, Aidan headed to the kitchen. Angel was standing over the stove, pouring some milk into a pan. She heard his footsteps and turned around. "Sorry; I didn't mean to wake you."

He shook his head. "Ya didn't. Lina wake up cryin' again?"

Angel nodded. "I'm making her some warm milk. Do you want some?"

Aidan's mouth quirked wryly. "Haven't had that since I was a boy." His mother had sworn by it. He nodded. "Sure, I'll have some."

Angel smiled. 

Ten minutes later, the two of them were sitting at the kitchen table. Lina had fallen asleep in Angel's bed before she could drink the milk, and so Angel and Aidan drank it between themselves.

Aidan drained his glass. "That was good," he said, surprised by how delicious the milk had tasted. "Thanks."

He was about to head back to his room when Angel's quiet voice spoke up tentatively. "Aidan? Can I ask you something?"

He turned. "What is it?"

She swallowed and looked up at him. "What...What was Catherine like?"

The name sounded like a punch to Aidan's gut. "How do you know her name?"

"I heard some people in town talking." Her dark brown eyes, the exact opposite of Catherine's sky blue, stared at him apprehensively.

Aidan swallowed the lump that came into his throat. "She was beautiful." Before his voice could crack, he turned and walked down the hall to his room. 


"Do you mind if I go into town with you today?" Angel's question was posed over breakfast the next day. Lina had mostly recovered from her nightmare and she and Jesse were digging into their food with all the eagerness two rapidly growing children possessed. "I need to stock up on food."

Aidan nodded. "Sure; don't see why not. You kids want to come along?"

Lina nodded, excitement shining in her grey eyes. Even normally morose Jesse looked up, a hint of eagerness flashing over his face. 

Aidan couldn't resist a smile. "We'll leave after we finish eating, then."

Half an hour later the children had been washed and dressed accordingly, and the wagon pulled away from the homestead. Even though barely a word was spoken on the whole journey, it was clear Jesse and Lina were ecstatic to be going on a trip. They took everything in with open mouths and wide eyes, and Angel felt the contagiousness of their excitement. 

When they arrived in town, Aidan headed to the lumberyard to see about some new timber for repairing the barn and porch, while Angel took the children to the store. She had almost reached the front step when a familiar voice called out, "Angel!"

Angel turned around with a smile. "Afternoon, Nellie."

The boarding house owner came up to them, an answering smile on her face. "Nice to see you in town. Come to get some supplies?"

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