Chapter Fourteen/Epilogue

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The last chapter has come! This has been a really long journey, but I'm really happy and thankful for all the reviewers that stuck with me even when I had half given up on this story. I hope you enjoy the ending!


Chapter Fourteen

"Angel, are you ready?"

"Just a minute!" The brunette called out. Turning to look at herself in the mirror, she smoothed the fabric of her gown with a slightly trembling hand. Tonight was the annual town party and she had never been more nervous in all her life.

It had been three weeks since the dramatic day in which Aidan's innocence, both of theft and of the murder of his deceased fiance Catherine Dennehy, had been irrevocably proven. Denton Shannon's trial had taken place the following day. As he was wealthy, he had only been sentenced to two years in prison, but the heavy fine that would cost him most of his property had been the major blow for the proud rancher. Still, he had given Aidan a tiny nod on his way to the stagecoach, and Angel had seen peace in the older man's eyes, peace now that he had finally let go of the past.

It was hard to tell what Aidan was thinking these days. He had attended the welcome-home supper given for him by Nellie and Hope, but had been very quiet all the way through it. Since then, he and Angel and the children had stayed at the boarding-house at Nellie's persuasion, but little or no communication had passed between them, as Aidan spent all his days working at Mr Morgan's ranch and often headed straight to bed after coming home, too exhausted to eat dinner. 

She studied her reflection. The beautiful lilac gown, a handsewn present from Hope, was embroidered with forget-me-nots at the neck and hem and had beautiful white lace sleeves. It was simple, but perfectly elegant and Angel loved it.

"Coming?" The voice made her turn around. Hope stood in the doorway, a small smile on her face. Her stomach had started to swell beneath her dress, an unmistakeable sign of pregnancy.

Angel nodded. "Sorry. I was thinking."

"About Aidan?" Hope's eyes were understanding.

"I still love him, Hope." Angel swallowed. "I think I always will."

"I know." Hope came over and squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Do you know if he's coming to the dance tonight?"

"We haven't really spoken. I just wish I knew what he was thinking, if he's angry with me or..." Angel's voice trailed off.

A small cough attracted their attention. Luc stood on the threshold, looking handsome but slightly uncomfortable in his grey suit. A half-smile flitted across his features as he spoke. "Sorry, ladies, but there's someone who wants to speak to Angel." He stepped back, and Aidan entered the room.

Angel's breath caught in her throat. Aidan had never looked more handsome. His black suit, bought from the general store, had been pressed and brushed neatly until there was not a speck of dust on it, and he had shaved and trimmed his dark hair. 

"I think we'll go ahead," Hope said. She gave Angel's hand one more meaningful press, and then turned and left the room. 

The brunette glanced at Luc one more time. He mouthed a silent, "Good luck!" and then closed the door, leaving the two alone.

Silence reigned for several uncomfortable seconds. "You look nice," Angel commented finally, desperately scrambling for something to say.

Aidan laughed self-consciously. "Yeah. Calvin bought me this. Coulda tanned his hide at first, fits pretty good." He looked up, gaze sobering. "I heard what ya said about me."

Angel bit her lip. "I'm sorry," she spoke up. "It's just that...ever since that day, we've barely talked to one another and I..." She lifted her hands in a frustrated shrug. "I don't know what to think."

"I didn't mean that," Aidan said. "I meant what you said before. That you loved me."

Angel froze.

"Is it true?"

Her heart thudded loudly in her chest, but she knew what her answer would be. "Yes," she said quietly. "It's true. I love you, Aidan O'Connor, and I always will."

Aidan stared at her for a few seconds before speaking. "I went to the graveyard today. To see Catherine."

Pain lanced into Angel's chest. He's rejecting me. She forced back the tears that threatened to spill and tried to breathe normally.

Aidan turned. "To tell her goodbye.That's the last time I'm going to visit her."

Angel opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't.

"Catherine was one of the most joyful people I've ever known. I know she'd have wanted me to be happy too." A shy smile spread over his face. "I told her I'd finally found someone to be happy with." He reached into his pocket and held out his hand. In his palm, a beautiful silver ring glistened.

Angel stared at the ring, and then at him. "Does this...?" She swallowed and spoke again. "Does this mean what I think it does?"

He smiled. "I love you, Angel Donovan. I was a real idiot not to see it at first, tryin' too hard to hold onto the past...but I know the truth now. I love you and I want to make you happy. Will you let me?"

Tears streamed down her cheeks. In a voice that was half-laughing and half-crying, she answered, "Yes. Yes, I will."

And then she crossed the room and kissed him.


And it's done! Did you like the ending? I wanted something different from Calvin and Hope, but still romantic anyway, and I hope I pulled it off. Thanks for all your love and support on this, all of you!

P.S. Listen to Plumb's Don't Deserve You while reading this. It's my theme song for Aidan and Angel, and I think it suits them and their relationship perfectly :)

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