Chapter Ten

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My first update of 2016! Sorry for being away so long; I hope you all enjoy this chapter :) Dedicated to my new followers xoxo

Chapter Ten 

"In...the...beginning...was...the...Word...and the word was...with God...and the word was...God."

"Very good, Jesse!" Angel smiled at the boy. "Your reading's getting better all the time."

Jesse huffed out a sigh. "This is boring. Why can't we read some of the more exciting stories, like David and Goliath?"

Angel frowned at him. "You know those ones?"

"Yeah. Ma used to read them to us, before..." Jesse's voice trailed off and he looked away, before sniffing the air. "Is something burning?"

"The stew!" Angel leapt to her feet, dashing towards the kitchen. She yanked the pot off the stove, grimacing at the horrible smell that emanated from it. Her fears were only confirmed when she opened the lid and found the glutinous brown mess inside. "Tarnation!"

"That's a word I haven't heard used in a long time."

Aidan's voice made her jump. Flushing, she replaced the lid of the pot and smoothed her apron. "Sorry. I was helping Jesse and Lina with their reading and I guess I lost track of time."

He grinned. "Doesn't matter much anyway. Nellie told me to tell you that she's invitin' you to a party at the boardinghouse tonight. Somethin' about a special announcement from Calvin and Hope."

"Really?" Angel couldn't hide her smile. That meant Hope must finally have told Calvin her news. "Will you come?" She glanced hopefully at him.

Aidan shrugged. "Don't see why not. I've gotta drive you in anyway and I know the kids will appreciate the chance to get away from your cooking."

"Why, you...!" Angel spun around indignantly, only to catch a twinkle in his eye. She laughed self-deprecatingly. "Okay, just give me a moment to get changed and tell the kids."


The boardinghouse was alive with light and sound when the O'Connor wagon arrived. In the kitchen, Nellie and Hope were putting the final touches on dinner while an array of good things covered the table from end to end.

"Is that peach pie?" Jesse reached for the fragrant article, only to have his hand slapped away. 

"Not until you wash your hands, young man." Nellie's voice was stern, but there was an affectionate edge to it and Jesse went, albeit grudgingly.

Calvin and Luc arrived a little later. "I was dreamin' about this all the way home." The former bounty hunter snagged an edge of the chocolate cake perched at the edge of the table, grinning as the delicious food hit his tongue.

Hope rolled her eyes. "You're worse than the children. Go and wash up and then we can eat."

Five minutes later they were all seated around the table. Hope, Calvin, and Luc were on one side, with Nellie at the head and Angel and Aidan and the kids on the other side. The boarders had all had their dinner early and then gone out for coffee and biscuits at Sue Kelly's.

Nellie bowed her head. "Oh Lord, we thank Thee for Thy blessings upon us and for the good food set before us. May we each eat and drink to Thy glory, and honour Thee through the days ahead. Amen."

"Amen," everyone echoed.

Calvin tapped his fork on his plate. "Before everyone starts eating, Hope and Maggie and I have an announcement to make." He glanced at his wife. Hope squeezed his hand, eyes shining. "Hope's gonna be having a baby sometime this winter God willing."

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