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It was lunch and me, Daniel and Michael were just walking around school

Daniel: Jay is that not your brother?
James: what a fucking idiot
Jordan was running down the corridors with a headscarf on and mr Bell was chasing him. Jordan disappeared and Mr Bell ended up yanking a headscarf off of some random girl.
James: ah shit
Jordan disappeared and Mr Bell walked off.
It was now time for English but with Miss Keane.
10 minutes into form when the intercom was going off
Jordan (intercom): hello Ackley! What do we all think of Ackley Bridge College then? Are we gonna roll over? Yes sir no sir thank you sir? They think they can keep us quiet. We all know ackley bridge is nothing but a left for dead town.

Everyone turned around to look at me
James: the fuck are you looking at
Jordan: It don't matter if your white or Asian. We're all going nowhere. If your white your racist and if your Asian you don't belong. We're all stuck here
I got up and walked out
Miss Keane: James Wilson get back here now
James: fuck off
I walked out onto the quad where I could hear shouting. It was Missy and Nas
Nas: it's not my fault you got held back a year is it?
Missy pushed Nas
James: go on Missy hit her
Cory came up behind me and hit me upside the head
Cory: oi don't encourage it
James: you hear what Jordan did?
Cory: mhm
James: dad is gonna be pissed off if school ring him
Cory: well that's Jordans fault
Nas: Missy what are you doing?
Missy: like you don't know how to fight back? Oh cause your so perfect your so good. You were out drinking with me in town not two nights ago.
Nas lost it and charged towards Missy
James: go on Missy
Others: fight fight fight
Cory: fight
James: don't encourage it (mockingly)
Cory: haha
Miss Keane then came running out
Miss Keane: Stop. Stop Missy get off her. Move everyone.

I then walked off. My next lesson was science with Mr mead.
Mr Mead: today we're gonna be learning about cells.
Jack: your brothers a racist
James: No he's not
Jack: yes he is and if your defending him then you must be too.
James: I'm no fucking racist alright and neither is my brother.
Jack: yeah yeah if you say so.
10 minutes into the lesson someone dashed a pen at my head. I knew straight away it was Jack
James: what the fuck was that for?
Jack: I didn't do anything
James: you just dashed a fucking pen at my head
Jack: maybe I did. What are you gonna do about it?
I picked up a glue stick and dashed it full force at his head.
Mr Mead: right isolation now
James: he started it
Mr Mead: now
James: he dashed a pen at me
Mr Mead: I don't care isolation now!
James: fucking bullshit

I picked up my bag and walked out slamming the door shut. I went to isolation and walked in to Mr Bell shouting at Jordan. I went to the furthest chair by the window and threw my bag harshly onto the floor.
Mr Bell: I was wondering how long it would take for you to get sent in here
James: haha very funny. Maybe next time you should bet on it
Mr Bell: Why is it important to respect other people's beliefs and cultures? At least two pages
He threw the notepad and pen down on Jordan's desk
Mr Bell: and we're gonna stay here till I say we're done
James: does that go for me aswell
Mr Bell: keep it up and yeah it will go for you as well
Mr Bell then walked over to me and started talking
Mr Bell: why are you in here?
James: Mr Mead being a prick
Mr Bell: ay Watch your mouth. Why are you here?
James: I dashed a glue stick at someone
Mr Bell: why?
James: felt like it
Mr Bell: tell me the truth
James: fine he threw something at me first so I threw something back and I'm the one that gets in trouble cause the teachers a prick
Mr Bell: Hey that's enough
James: whatever
Mr Bell: right I want a page on how we can avoid confrontation and prevent any confrontation from escalating
Jordan: sir your using quite big words that thicko over there won't understand
James: fuck off Jordan like you know what it means
It's been about an hour and a half before Mr Bell stands up
Mr Bell: times up
Jordan hides his paper under his arm as mr bell is walking towards him
Mr Bell: Don't play games, give it to me

He gave him the notepad after ripping a page out which I found weird
He looked at his paper and looked kinda impressed
Mr Bell: if you put half the amount of effort into your GCSEs your gonna be laughing. Do you like drawing? Cause this is really good Jordan.
Jordan: do you reckon I can get into art school sir?
James: your still on about art school seriously
Jordan: how else am I getting out of this shithole?
James: what's gonna happen when you leave huh? How much worse is it gonna get for me?
Jordan: don't worry ill always look out for ya.
Mr Bell: give me that sheet you tore out
Jordan: No
Mr Bell: I've looked bad enough tryna stick up for you today. Enough. Now give it to me
Jordan: you sticking up for me sir? I had no idea. No one's really taken an interest in me before have they?
James: your a fucking windup
Mr bell snatched the paper out his hand. He unscrunched the paper and looked at it
Jordan: if your gonna have a fallout with your missus don't do it where I can hear
James: ah shit
Mr Bell: I've had enough of you. Come on
Mr Bell grabbed Jordan's arm and Jordan shoved him back
Jordan: don't touch me
James: leave it Jordan let's just go home
Mr Bell: you do not lay your hands on a teacher lad ever
Jordan: no wonder she bosses you about your a pussy
Jordan keeps shoving him
Mr Bell: back off lad I promise you I will stick you on your arse
James: Jordan man let's go
Jordan: can't let her talk to you like that Steve especially when she's banging sadiq nawaz behind your back
James: ah shit
Mr Bell punched Jordan in the face
James: you fucking deserved that you idiot.
Jordan walked out
Mr Bell: Jordan. Jordan just listen...
James: don't worry sir I'll sort it

I walked out after him. I caught up to him and we got home.
Cory: what happened to your face?
James: I punched him
Cory: why?
Jordan: we were play fighting and I hit him too hard so he punched me
James: sorry
Jordan: it's fine
Cory: well dads down the pub so I got fish and chips for dinner
James: cool
I had my dinner then had a shower and got ready for bed. I knocked on Jordans door
James: Jordan
Jordan: what
James: PlayStation?
Jordan: fine
He opened his bedroom door and let me in. I sat on his bed and he gave me a controller
James: you know you deserved it right
Jordan: yeah I know. I shouldn't of kept pushing him
James: to be fair he did say he would stick you on your arse. So he did warn you
Jordan: yeah I know. FIFA?
James: what kinda question is that?
We were playing for about 3 hours when Cory walked in
Cory: oi bed now!
James: but I'm not tired
Cory: if you don't go now you won't wake up in the morning
James: what part of I'm not tired do you not understand. Even if I go bed now I'm just gonna be staring at the ceiling for hours.
Cory: take your melatonin
James: erm I kinda have none left
Cory: seriously
James: sorry
Cory: right come downstairs and bring your pillow and cover
I went and got my pillow and cover and went downstairs where Cory was sitting on the sofa. I threw my pillow at him and he put it on his lap and told me lay down.
I laid down and he put a film on. He then was stroking my head seeing as he knew that would send me to sleep like it always did. Within 5 minutes I was passed out.
Cory: so much for not being tired

James WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now