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I was in form with Mr Bell and I sat next to Daniel and Michael. I was on my phone when someone through a pen at me
James: whoever threw that fuck off
Jack: or what
I picked up the pen and dashed it back at him.
Mr Bell: that's enough
I went back on my phone until a note got thrown at me.
Imagine having a dead mum and an alcoholic for a dad. No wonder your lot are so messed up.
James: you fucking prick
I squared up to him and pushed him and he pushed me back. We started fighting but I was dodging his punches and all mine were landing. Mr Bell pulled me off him and sent me to isolation. I went in and sat down watching a movie on my phone.
The bell had gone for next lesson so I got up and went to leave until I was stopped by Mr Bell
Mr Bell: I saw the note
James: okay?
Mr Bell: what he did wasn't okay but neither was that reaction
James: sorry
Mr Bell: we need to find away to channel that anger and aggression
James: I've tried that tho sir
Mr Bell: how bout rugby
James: is that not for the older boys tho?
Mr Bell: it is but I think you could handle it. You might even be better than them
James: fine I'll try it
Mr Bell: Friday after school. Don't forget your boots.

Friday Rugby Practice
Mr Simpson: Cory, Riz each pick a team and get a game going
Mr Bell: right aim of the game is to get the ball over the opponent's try line. You got six chances. If you don't manage to do it it goes to the other team. You can only pass the ball backwards
Zain: Backwards?
Mr Bell: backwards otherwise it would be American football
Mr Simpson: football is a gentleman's game played by thugs. Rugby is a thugs game played by gentlemen, gentlemen
James: what the fuck is he going on about.
Mr Bell: sir means no punching, no stamping, no pulling of hair, no gouging.
Mr Simpson: No biting
Mr Bell: no biting. Everything else is fair game. Go
Mr bell kicked the ball up. Zain took Jordan down to the floor even though he didn't have the ball. I went over and shoved Zain
James: what the fuck is your problem
We reset and played again. Zain was running with the ball and Jordan tackled him. Mr bell mixed up the teams but me Cory and Jordan stayed in the same team.
We played again and Zain passed it to Jordan who passed it to me and I ran to the other try line and slid and put the ball on the floor. Everyone started and cheering even Mr Bell. We then went back to the changing rooms. I was talking to Jordan in the changing room and Mr Bell walked in
Mr Bell: well played today
James: thank sir not too bad yourself
Mr Bell: Jordan can I have a word
Jordan went with Mr Bell after a few minutes he came back
James: what was that about?
Jordan: just telling me what I need to be able to see Jamie
James: cool
Jordan: hurry up so we can go home
James: okay okay
I got ready and we went home
Cory: right I'm out so order something to eat I've left money on the side
Jordan: okay

James WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now