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Third Person Pov 

Kevin looked down at doug's contact questioning if he should call or not. "Alright you can do this he's been your best friend since forever" Kevin tells himself but after awhile gives up. "Why is this happening!?!" Kevin yells/ask before looking out his window. When he looked in the backyard he saw something. 

He saw the guest house light on in one of the bedrooms. Kevin quickly grabs his gun and walks outside to the guest house. When he walks inside he looks around and then goes upstairs is met with angela. "What are you doing!?!" Kevin yells/ask. "I-i was just-" Angela starts before someone walked in. 

David looked at his father then at angela with a shocked expression. Kevin then took david and angela in the house to discuss what was going on. "I was just trying to help" David says. "Help!?! Is this what you call helping? You let her stay in the guest house after she robbed our main house" Kevin says. 

"I only let her stay there because those people were after her" David says. "Yeah well they wouldn't be after her for no reason and you should have talked to me first!" Kevin says and david looks down. "As for you" Kevin starts turning back to angela with an expression that showed he was angry. 

"You got yourself in this mess so you better get yourself out cause you ain't gonna put my son in danger again! You need to grow up like seriously that's the whole reason we agreed to set david up for adoption because you were immature and still are! You need to start doing better" Kevin says. 

Angela looked down at the ground with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry i really am for everything and i know my words mean nothing to you but i just had to let you know i didn't meant to put OUR son in danger. Your right i messed up and got into a lot of trouble so i got to get myself out" Angela says. 

"Your right i'm a little-ok a lot immature and i'm gonna get a job to get money maybe it's about time i started acting like an adult" Angela says before turning to david with a smile. "Thanks for helping me out but it's about time i help myself" Angela says before looking over at kevin and leaving. 

"I'm sorry dad i thought i was doing the right thing" David says. "It's alright but i still think i should ground you" Kevin says. "That's fair" David says. 

Ya'll think angela meant it? Ya'll think doug and kay gone look past what happened and go back to normal?  

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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