Your first school day

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A/N- I being ALIVE, I have been busy with uni and family. and now I have a laptop to write on 


You stood gazing at the mirror in your uniform, trembling with pure excitement. First day of school. On the first day of big school, you stood looking at the mirror, in the silence and comfort of your room. Until that silence was interrupted by a shout that pieced through the silent air :

"(Y/N), come down and have breakfast before we go" 

You grabbed your frog backpack, checking to make sure everything was in there, everything was where it needed to be, you walked towards to door of your bedroom but before you exited you grabbed you stuff toy and put it gently in your bag. then proceed to go down stairs. There you saw your father, standing there making breakfast in an apron. 

"good morning, my love, you ready for your first day of school" Yuuri asked while serving up the rice for breakfast. 

you stood there thinking, where you? this is the first time being away from dad? but you smiled and very happily screamed "YEAH" 

-time skip-

you held your dads hand while staring at this massive building, you saw other kids wearing the same uniform as you running about, screaming and chasing their friends. You squeezed your dads hand tighter feeling the anxiety creeping up on you, your dad kneeled down to look at you in the eyes, smiled, kissed your forehead and said " you are going to be fine my skater", you stared in his eyes and the anxiety left your body. the bell rang to signal lesson starting, you hugged your dad tightly and said your goodbyes before you took off running towards to building.

you felt excited. 


you were walking while holding your dads hand tightly as you both walked to school, you and him were chatting back and fourth, having a fun time. But the more steps you take, the more nervous you felt. What if people don't like you? what if you get bullied? what if you made no friends?, you stopped walking. Your father, noticing how you froze.

 "what's wrong, my darling", victor asked kneeling down to look you in the eyes, you looked up tears collecting in your (E/C) eyes, " what if people don't like me" you asked holding your duck backpack tightly against your chest, victor was shocked but snorted.

"my darling, how can someone not like you,  you are the best, most amazing person out there" victor scooped you to his chest and stroked your hair. "you will be fine, I promise", you looked up and stared into your dad eyes and knew he wouldn't lie to you. you smiled and nodded, then continued walking hand in hand with your dad, walking to the school. 

-time skip- 

you stood at the entrance of your classroom and watched as kids get picked up by their parents, siblings and guardians. you saw the familiar hair of silver, and you took off running 

"DADDY", victor leaned down and picked you up while spinning you around before walking off with you in his arms. while you talked about your day. 

(Yuri)-age 6 

You stood next to your dad, while everyone was saying good bye to their parents, sibling and guardians. Your held onto your tiger plushie and his behind your fathers leg, shaking in pure anxiety. you felt a hand softly stroke your hair but being careful to not mess you your hair you spent most of the morning doing. you hid your face into your dad legs and shook your head. 

your father sighed, "you have to go, my tiger" Yuri tired to get you to remove your face off his leg but you were stubborn and refused to move. Yuri stared at you and sighed again. he bent down so he can look you in your eyes and there he saw tears going down you chubby face. He picked you up with no second thoughts and started to comfort you. 

Hiding your face into his neck while begging him to let you stay with him and gripping his shoulders harshly. Yuri was lost on what to do. He continued to comfort you but you were starting to make him want to cry. 

Yuri sighed and thought to wait another year but then it would be harder that time as well. The bell went, you father walked to the teacher and they talked about what to do. So it was decide that your father would stay for a bit until you were settled and then quietly leave. 


Otabek sat outside of your classroom, on his phone, just like in Yuri scenario you were scared to leave him, so he stayed outside your classroom to bring you comfort if you needed it. Every so often, he would see your cute chubby face making sure he was still there.

You being the smart child you were decided to leave to go to the bathroom but while you were actually going to spent time with your dad, you were allowed, you walked out and turned expecting to see your dad there but he wasn't there. You started to tear up thinking your dad has abandoned you in this new place filled with strange people who you have never met. While you were on the verge of breaking down, you didn't notice your dad coming out of the bathroom, he saw you and picked you up instantly. 

you didn't need to open your eyes to know who it was cause you knew. "I...I thought you abandoned meee" you sobbed to your father, he smiled and just responded with one simple word "never"

you smiled and started to close your eyes to fall sleep cause that break down make you feel sleepy. your father and teacher looked at each other smiled, and in a private conversation decide to have you go home. while your father was walking out with you asleep in his arms, he looked smiled, "you didnt make it through the whole day but you still did it"

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