Your birthday

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Silence fell on the dark street of Hasetsu, Kyushu. No one made a noise. not even an animal dared ruin this peace and quiet. It was pure quiet and peaceful...Until...


and just like that, the silence was ruined.

Your dad groaned and sighed, rubbing his eyes. while next to him was a light chuckle, "it seems our little dancer is up", Yuuri sighed again and looked at the time, in bright red lights read 00:01. Yuuri collapsed on the bed and rubbed his face with his hand. Victor smiled. "you got to give it to them, it's pretty amazing how they can instantly wake up as soon as it's their birthday", yuuri pushed victor back onto the bed.

Suddenly the door to their bedroom was slammed open and a weight was on Yuuri stomach. You sat there in your dog onesie smiling down at your parent and his boyfriend. 

Victor, always the energetic one of the two, swept you up into his arms and spinning you around the room yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OUR DANCER". 

you smiled, " thank you, papa", victor smiled and put you back down onto the bed. Your father came back through the door, which was weird cause you didn't realise he left came back holding a small box that was wrapped, he gave you the present and sat back under the covers with victor. 

In the box was a small makkachin plush, you smiled and hugged it close to your chest and then laid down in between victor and yuuri then quickly fell asleep.   


You were walking down holding on to the skating rink , holding hands with Mira, as your father couldn't bring you down himself as he was busy at the rink. While walking with Mira, you told her all about what you did in school even showed her the picture you made for your papa. Mira looked at you full adoration, your so small!

The rink came into sight, you started to drag Mira to the rink and you both started to run to there but before you can open the door, mira pulled you back and placed her hands over your eyes, you faced turned into the surprise Pikachu face.

"It's a surprise" Mira replied happily.

While walking you heard chatter and mumbling getting louder and louder until Mira hands moved from your eyes and there you saw everyone smiling and yelling "Surprise". The rink was covered in Balloons and other party decoration. Your rank to your dad and papa, smiling and yelling "thank you". Then the party was in full swing,  you went on the ice and started to skate around just having plain fun. Doing different tricks that everyone was showing you to do. You opened presents, ate a lot of food and cake. 

Then it started to get dark and everyone had to leave but while they were leaving you were handing them party favours filled with many small stuff and a slice of cake, obviously. Yuuri picked you up and held you against his chest while your dad closed up the rink. 

Yuuri placed you in the car while strapping you in, he asked " you have fun?"

sleepily you nodded and smiled "yeah" , you felt the car slowly move before picking up speed.


Do I need to say that this party was Cat themed? Yes, okay then

You, your dad and otabek were at the zoo for your birthday, looking at the many different animals and taking pictures around the zoo, with you pulling really out there poses, cause why not. You then started to make your way down to the big cats, you were holding your dad and otabek hands while talking about big cats. You let go of their hand and went into your small tiger backpack and pulled out your tiny camera, that was your first present from the morning and started to take pics of the cats. 

You didn't notice your dad keep checking his watch, then your dad pulled you away and told you he had a surprise for you. Him and otabek took you to a gate that read staff only, there a woman walked out in uniform and smiled at you. 

"are you, (Y/N)" she asked

you smiled and starting to jump up and down, "yeah, its my birthday today" 

the woman smiled and nodded, she held open the gate for you in which you followed while your dads hand, this small party walked down until you were at a fenced in area and there you saw a tiger laying down near the fenced area. The woman smiled and asked if you would like to stroke the tiger through the fence, you smiled and gave your dad, your tiger backpack and slowly walk towards the woman and started to stoke the tiger. Then you moved on and got to feed the penguins. You smiled and waved goodbye to the woman and went on your way with your dad and otabek. You smiled as you ate your food and was talking their ear off about big cats and going into detail about animals. 

It was a good day at the zoo.

( A/N this was brought to you by what my mum did on her birthday at the zoo which was stroke a tiger and what I did on my birthday which was fed some penguins)


You smiled as you were running about the park having fun, while your dad and Yurio was sitting on a picnic blanket sorting out food and drinks with Potya,  yurio cat on a cat leash just relaxing in the sun.  You were sitting by the edge of the pond staring at the ducks that were just swimming about in the pond enjoying the sun as well. Otabek looked up at you and smiled, yurio leaned against him and chuckled at you. 

You were having a staring contest with a duck and for a while it was a tie until you heard your dad yell "(Y/N), LUNCH", 

you yelled back that you were coming, then stared at the duck and whispered, "you win this time duck" then slowly backed away from this duck while maintained eye contact. Then you turned and ran back to the picnic that you were having. 

You sat down to have some food and drinks while talking with your dad and Yurio, Potya laid  down onto your lap and enjoyed your stokes on his soft fluffy fur. 

After lunch, you, your dad and yurio decided to go feed the ducks you were looking at, so you guys cleaned up and throw the rubbish into the bin, then made your way to the ducky pond. When the bread ran out, you guys left to go home and to open your presents. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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