Period part 2 (for boys)

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A/N- so since last updating this, i have got two kittens who are running around my room like they had 12 cups of coffee, i had my birthday 2 of june and im now 16. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH, #ALLLIVESMATTER/#BLACKLIVESMATTER

A/N part 2-like i said on part one of period, i still wwant this to be gender neural so i will focus on boys and girls also i will not have the boys get a period cause thats weird in my opinion, if you are a boy and want a period thats your choice..


you were walking back from your friends kayla's house but it wasnt a relaxing walking as it normally would be, you know the relaxing walk im talking about the one where you have your headphones and listening to music while pretending your in a music video.(does anyone else do that or just me?just me okay) Your thoughts where on kayla. Why did she kick me out? Why did she ran to the bathroom? these thoughts swam through your mind but the main uestion on your mind was What is a period?. while walking along the same path that lead to the same back alley that lead to the same door your mind was still concered for your friend.

Caught up in your thoughts, you didnt notice the door until you were on the floor and your head felt like it was under water. Groaning from the pain you got up and opened the door only to be met with your father and victor on the sofa, they havent noticed you yet so you did what any child would do you crept up beind them and ROAR. A scream left your fathers mouth and he layed on the floor like he just dropped dead while you and victor were laughing. 'i thought you would be with kayla' a thick russian accent sliced through the playful aura that surrounded you.'she asked me to leave'

'dad, whats a period' you asked with the innocents of a child, yuuri and victor choked on the food they were having and looked at you like you just told them that someone on got rid of the month july. wiping his face yuuri looked at you 'where did you hear that, son?'
victor asked, you sat there and stirred around the soup that victor had made ' kayla said she had it'. Yuuri and victor looked at each other questioning if they should take away this part of innocent of your life then after their private conversation with their eyes they told you everything. 'WHO THE HELL DECIDED THAT SHOULD BE A THING'  you asked with your face so red that strawberries looked on in jealousy.

you walked back yo your room and layed on your bed to try and forget the conversation you just had.... but little did you know a worse conversation was turning its ugly head....


laughing and giggles as well as terrible dad jokes is what could be heared if someone walked past your door and the reason for this, is beacuse you were talking with your friend  Ava over skype. lying on your bed with your laptop placed on your desk not too far away so ava cant see you but just the right distance that you could be sitting on your bed and relax. Ava smiled and asked every question that popped into her head, while you answered with every stupid thing that came into yours. It was perfect end to the day you thought.

'hey ava' you asked in a tone that sounded like a  detective, a cheerful german accent filled the room ' yes (Y/N)' silence filled the room then you asked with quietly ' what is a period'. you turn after a minute of silence to see ava face that looked the mix between confused and shocked. 'you dont know, how do they not teach you about that' she asked, you just simply shrugged your shoulders and looked at her again waiting for a reply an answer to your previous question. Ava sighed and started to descibe what a period was 'but not all girls get one but thats uncommon' she finished up and looked your completly pale face. you just sat there and stared into the wall, not talking,not blinking, not moving just staring until you said ' thats a bloody mess' and laughter once again filled you room.

Laughing and giggling as well as terrible dad jokes filled your room once more as you tried to forget the conversation that was just had deciding there is no way a worse conversation... Oh how you wished you were right

A/N part3- these are actual reactions my friends gave when i told them what periods are.

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