vines you reference

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A/n I'm alive surprisingly. Anyway on to the story


You gaze out of the window of the shiny white car,daydreaming about well you know what you day dream about. But then something caught your eye, 'you okay?' You hear from beside you. Your turn slowly still making eye contact with that sign to look at your father. Your father,victor, who is looking a bit like a chameleon with one eye on the road and one eye on you.

'Y/N' your father asked more worried about what's wrong with you. You stared him in the eyes and pointed at a road sign and said ' road work ahead...yeah I sure hope it does' and then proceed to bust out with laughter


You and your dad were shopping, but this time not for outfits, I know shocking, but your father wanted more healthy food. Which as a loving son/daughter/child you pointed out that he will just go back to eating pork cutlet, and that remark made your dad take away your phone.

You sighed and stared at the row of fruits and vegetables think about how they would look if they were ever so small. 'Y/N' you hear a relaxed voice call from behind you. You turned with some grace and saw your dad holding an avocado 'can you put that in the trolley please'. You stared at the avocado, you knew this was your chance , you have been wanting to say this from the very beginning. You take the avocado and say happily while looking at the avocado, 'an avocado... thanks' and then put it in the trolley. Your father was very confused but shrugged it off 


You were chilling watching some TV while your dad and his bf were cuddling on the sofa next to you. It was quiet and peaceful, only the sound of the mumbles voices from the TV and your stomach grumbling from hunger was heard. Deciding that your stomach was annoying you, you decided to get something to nibble on like the mouse you are. You moon walked into the kitchen and looked for the whole grail that was food.

You found what you were looking for after putting it on a plate you walked happily out of the kitchen back into the living room however you didnt know otabek was there and he made you jump, you stared at him and angrily said ' you could of made me drop my croissant' then burst out with laughter at what you said.

A/N sorry it's short but it's late also I'm gonna try to post more regular but no promises

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