when you get injured 😥🤕

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I'm really sorry it took so long, life hasnt been easy but on the upside I'm getting a puppy, so I forgive life...now let's begin


'Presenting (y/n) katsuki and cinnamon' the voice boomed from the speaks that were placed out of reach. In the audience stood your father yuuri and his boyfriend victor who were being the over dramatic people they always are.

You took a deep breathe and made cinnamon trot into the ring. Instantly you are blinded by lights flashing brightly like a warning sign. You started to pick up a canter that soon evolved into a gallop. You saw your target like a lion seeing a helpless zebra. Galloping and you jumped... "clean jump from (y/n)" you breathed out the breathe you were holding. Then you got ready for the next jump, then suddenly a light flashed like a bolt of lightening stuck the ground and you fell of cinnamon. You were dizzy and falling unconscious fast all you heard was "their my daughter/son"


This was it, this was all the late nights a the arguments, the fighting with your teammates were for the finals. You were sitting on the bench waiting for the signal to go out on the ice. You looked around the freezing, structure  in the audience to see a face that brought comfort... there he was the person you trusted , the person who was there for you when you needed him, your father. Oh and yuuri. You fought back a smile but it was a losing battle. You father noticed you and at the top of his lungs yelled "THATS MY SNOWFLAKE/SNOWSTORM" you broke out in laughter and so did your teammates.

The whistle blew and you stood up with great pride then skated out on the ice. You were ready to win to make sure people know that the nikiforov name will never be forgotten. Suddenly, without much warning the game started  you skated out to get the puck, with much success you did, determination rang through your mind like church bells.

The wind rushed pass you as you took off , you skated pass everyone , you heard your teammates screaming your name and cheering you on, the fans cheering you on but the thing that made you feel determined was your dad watching you with pride in his eyes. It was going perfect, you closed your eyes and when you opened them you were lying on the ice with a headache that hurt more then anything you felt in your life. Before you passed out again, you felt a familiar touch on your back and you knew who it was...


You woke up and looked out of the crystal window to see the blue sky clean of any clouds. You jumped energetically out of your bed and ran to your wardrobe and got changed into your favourite swimming tshirt and shorts and ran downstairs , pass your dad and otabek and straight into the door. Your dad and otabek laughed. " you know you are suppose to turn the door handle right?" Yurio asked sarcastically. Your rolled your eyes and raced out of the door.

The sweet breeze in you long/short hair made you feel free, like you belonged here, the taste of salt that lingered in your mouth brought a sense of comfort that rushed through your nerves. You felt at home. You violently grabbed your surf board and you were running to the ocean. The feel of cold water against you made you feel alive. You got out deep then you sat on your surf board and waited, suddenly the perfect wave appeared. You got ready and you were off.

You swerved around feeling like you were flying, like you were free from people, responsibilities. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, until you were drowning in the scent of paradise, unfortunately  ,you didnt notice the rock that was not in the ocean and you tumbled into the unforgiving waves.

You floated there, trying to progress what happening but the shock of what happened made you paralysed, you floated there with on thought on your mind " I love you dad"

Yuri on ice parent scenarios!!Where stories live. Discover now