You get sick

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(Y/N) is exactly like her/his father, outgoing and can get carried away. You were with your father while he was training and got a bad cold.

" you okay, snowflake" your worried father asked
You stared at him with a "what-the-hell-do-you-think" look
"Right stupid question" your father walks to your bed side and strokes your hair until you fall asleep with you hearing "get well soon, my snowflake"


The toilet has become your new best friend, you have been vomiting into it 24/7. Suddenly you hear a knock at the door
"Darling,  are you okay?  Can I get you anything?" Your Russian father asked
"Can I have a drink of water please? " you weakly asked
"Of course, hold on a second" and with that you hear footstep dash away from you and onto the kitchen.  You leaned over and started to throw up again when a warm hand stroke your back. "Its okay,  my love you doing okay" when you finished he gave you some water
"Drink it slowly".  You took small sips and leaned against your father. Soo. You fell asleep in victors protective embrace.


Let's just say Yuri did not know how to look after sick people so he spent most of the time panicking over you.
"Dad" (Y/N)  yelled as loud as she/he could. In a flash your father was by your side with worry and hurt in his eyes
"Yes,  my tiger, are you okay?  Are you getting better? Do you need more medicine? Do you need the hospital?  Do you-"
"DAD" you yelled then coughed into your hand. " can you read me a story please?".Yuri looked at you before smiling and nodding as he got into your bed and wrapped you up into his lap and read your favorite book.


Your dad didn't know you were sick because he was at practice  and you were at home. So you spent the whole day in bed watching your favourite film and coughing up your lungs. Suddenly your bedroom door flew open and there in the doorway was your father with a concern expression printed on his face.  Thing with your father, guys don't need to talk to know what the other one is feeling or what they are thinking.  So he gets changed and sits on your bed watching films with you, only getting up to make food, get drinks and change the film.

Hi guys,  sorry it took so long to do another book my depression hasn't been the best but now I am back 😆
Hope you guys enjoyed and if you have any suggestion please tell me
-crystal ball

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