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A/n- okay ,first ,I know it's been a while ,I'm sorry but I just gotten diagnosed with severe anxiety and I'm having weight problems so yeah... ANYWAY,ON WITH THE PARENTING

Yuri sat you down on the sofa of his house because he wanted to talk
"(Y/N)" he began
"It wasn't me! " you interrupted, your dad looked at you with a WTF face
"What wasn't you? " he asked, you looked away, "nothing.. "
He ignored it, and carried on speaking " I would like for you to meet my bf", you stared at you dad like he grow three heads, "you have a bf? " you asked astonished "really?", you dad, who looked offended replied "yes, why? "
"Nothing just the fact my dad who gets anxious talking to breathing, people has a bf" you reply smug, your dad just started to laugh and you joined in until your father went to the kitchen,"(Y/N), YOUR IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!! "
The next morning, you followed your dad to the skating area and you were amazed at the size of it,
"YUURI"  a voice screamed out that made you jump and hide behind your dads leg.  You looked up and saw a man with sliver hair wearing a brown trench coat hugging and kissing your dad. The strange man saw you "and who do we have here", you grabbed on to your father leg tighter, you felt the famillar feeling of your dad fingers in your hair, " this victor is my daughter/son (Y/N), (Y/N)  this is victor". You gave a slight smile and waved, suddenly you are picked up and hugged by victor, you started to smile; you turned to your father and stated " I like him daddy"

You sat at the ice rink watching your father teach a man with jet black hair different tricks on ice, you started to get bored so you put on your earphones listening to "I ship it" (I thought it was fitting 😂).  You look up and see your father and the man talking on the ice, you see your father skating toward you and picking you up, "yuuri I want you to meet my snowdrop/snow prince, (Y/N)." You were quite shy so you hide your face in your father chest and waved.  Yuuri looked at you and said softly " hi (Y/N) , I'm yuuri, its a pleasure to meet you". Your father made you look at him, " My baby, this is my boyfriend" you turned and said "oh".  Yuuri started to ask you something, "(Y/N), I heard you like hockey how is it? " and that made you smile. Next thing you are on the side talking to yuuri, victor smiles knowing that you two are getting along.

You never thought you lived to see the day your tsundere of a father getting a boyfriend but how the universe loved to prove you wrong. Cause now you are going to be meeting the person who made you father like a love sick teenager, well being 18 he still is but that didn't stop you from laughing.
Your father was carrying you to a local Starbucks and there you saw a young man with brown hair (does otabek have brown or black hair cause I dont know?) Sitting at a table. When he saw you and yurio, he smiled and waved you guys over,  "hi beks" your father said before stealing a kiss from him in front of you , you looked disgusted, the man turned to you, " I'm otabek, you must be (Y/N)?" You cross your arms and said " depends on who is asking", yurio and otabek looked at each other and laughed, "Y/N, this is my boyfriend, the one I've been talking about". You saw this as a way to embarrass your dad " oh, the one you won't stop talking about", you have never seen your father look so blush, you and otabek laughed at you father before yurio joined in.

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