You get your period- for girls

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A/N- I plan to keep this genderneutral so i will do two chapters of this one for girls and the other for boys....Dont worry boys i will not make you have periods cause thats just not right and if you are bleeding out of your penis then please see a doctor cause that isnt right. so on to the parenting......


You were doing your favourite activity, thats right you guess it, doing nothing but lying in bed and watching tv. Yuuri was in the other room with victor making a very important decision which was what to have for dinner. You turned up your tv so you wouldnt have to listen to your papa beg victor for pork cutlet (is that how you spell cutlet cause it does not look right??) only to be turned down. Suddenly a pain hit you as if someone has just satbbed you with a knife but you just thought that it was just an old injury acting up so you ignore it until it happens again. you try to sit up but you can't not without it hurting.

Feeling scared you called out for your father in a flood of panic, with tears falling like raindrops in a thunderstorm. The door bursts open and you see your papa there with victor and both look worried. 'baby girl whats wrong' your father asked in a rush voice you early missed it. 'it.....*sob*...hurts' you curled up into a ball just wishing that your papa would make the pain go away.
Victor and yuuri look at each other, you hear a thick russian voice fill the room ' where, little one' you point to the area of the pain.

Instantly victor and yuuri understand, yuuri appoached you and pulled you into his lap while victor ran off with the car cars to get an important package. yuuri smiles 'its okay my small one, its just your peroid' yuuri started to rub your back to help with the cramps. you were just confused with the innocents of a toddler you look into your papa eyes and asked 'whats a period'.
yuuri sighed and began to tell you, you face went through many different emotions from confused to terrified to traumatised to lord why. 'thats a period' your papa finished at that moment victor walks in and hands you a small package. ' what is' you looked at the package as if it was a bomb 'its (what you use for periods)' victor repiled. After another long and traumatising conversation,you walked into the bath and applied the product then walked into the living room to see a blanket fort, as you enter you see your papa and victor in their pjs and holding pork cutlet bowls with the tv playing your favourite film you smiled and cuddled close while eating the food with a smile on your face. Life could not get better.


Your were at hockey practise, preparing for the big game that was coming up and you were determined that you would win. your team mate passed to you and you were prepared to hit it to make the score, but life wanted to see you fail so before you could hit it a wave of pained hit you first. You fell down holding your stomach with agony. Your team mates istantly skated over to you and asked if you were alright. you didnt know what to say cause you didnt know if you were but the only thing that left your mouth was 'i want my Dad'. With great speed your teammates got you off the ice and on the side lines while your coach called victor to tell him what happened. About half an hour later, victor walked in with yuuri and made his way over to you. By this time you were just wearing you jogging bottoms and your hoodie.

Victor picked you up, as he is quite strong while yuuri picked up your bag with the last goodbye to your teammates/coach you left the building.victor gently put you in the car and squatted down to you face you and asked like a concered father 'what happened my snow princess' after explaining what happened, your dad nodded his head and then went to open the door in the back so he can be next to you to calm you down while yuuri got into the drivers side and proceded to drive off. You looked at victor and asked 'whats wrong with me dad', victor looked at you with so much love and smiles his littler smiles' nothing my young one what is happening is completely normal' with a concered but confued look you asked 'what is it' while you dad started to explain what was going on with some detail, you wished that you never asked the question.

Thankfully yuuri saved you from most of the talk with two simple words that you loved at that moment 'we're home'. Your dad helped you out the car and brought you inside your house, the squeaked door opend and you were met with a ball of fluff smiling you said you hellos to makkachin while yuuri walked to the kitchen and victor walked to the bathroom. you after stroking makka walked the same path your father took to the bath room. and inside you saw, the bath was filled with clear water you could see the smoke coming off the bath like a dish being pulled out the oven. Your nose was invaded with the smell of roses when rain has fallen, candles dominated the shelves. Your dad smiles and kisses your head, 'take your time, me and yuuri will be in the living room' with that he left the room. You started to take off your clother quickly, you then got into the bath and closed your eyes and smiled. 'this is heaven' you thought with a smile


You were watching your father practise, well sort of you were mainly shopping for a new surf board and thinking of a way to convice your father to get it for you. then you felt something, feeling concered you ran to the toilets hoping no one would see but someone did. You ran into the nearest stall and pulled down your trousers to see and then you saw it...blood now you werent freaked out you knew what it was but you just werent ready for it. You then remembered something .... that you were wearing white trousers. then when you felt something run down your cheek, you then realized that you were crying. you sat on the toilet seat and sobbed cause you didnt know what to do, then the door to the toilets opened. A calm voice filled the air '(Y/N)' with tears racing down your cheeks you replied 'mila', the relaxing voice filled the roomagain as your saw feet at the bottom of the stall door
'yes honey its me whats wrong' she sounded concered. You then started sobbing again cause you were scared to tell her until reality slapped you in the face, mila was a girl. mila was a girl. girls get periods. mila is a girl who gets periods as well.

Holding your breath you answered 'i got my period' and then you sobbed again ' a and im wearing white jeans i dont know what to do' Mila started to calmly talk to you before asking to come in your answered yes, she walked in holding a pad. She gave you it and told you how to apply it, after following the directions carefully. you then pulled up your underwear which had the pad on them and just to pull up your trousers mila stopped you and gave you a pair of legging. taking them happily and quickly putting them on. Mila smiled and hugged you. 'come on honey' she smiled 'your father is worried' you took her hand and walked with her to see your father standing there looking concered with otebek with a blank expression but his eyes told you more. Mila told yurio what happened. yurio looked at you and sighed, ' you should of came to me' you looked at the now intresting floor and replied in a soft voice 'its embrassing' feeling a finger under your chin you looked up to see your father smiling at you reassuringly ' it not its natural' with a kiss on your nose to make you giggle.

your father finished practise and walked with you and otebek back to you home with the promise of hot chocolate and cake. with one final thankful look to mila you ran to your father and his boyfriend looking forward to the hot chocolate and the cake. then you remembered something 'dada can i have a new surfbored' your father sighed while otebek laughed and lifted you on his back.

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