Injured part 2

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A/N- hey sorry for the slow up dates but since im isolated in my house and have nothing better to do. I can spend my time doing this book. which is great news..i think. but how are you guys doing with the whole coronavirus thing? enjoy the story and be safe!


Darkness. that is all you can see. no light just an inky black void of no escape.' Am i dead?' is all you can think. With this thought, you feel a burning sensation that brims your eyes. 'N-no no i cant be i d-didnt tell my dad how much i love him'.

'Y/N, wake up darling' you hear a familiar voice fill your ears and a wave of relief  washes over you. 'dad, are you there am i dead' a chuckle meets your ears 'no sweet heart, just open your eyes'

With a great fight your eyes open which are then met with the sight of your dad and his boyfriend. with a smile plastered on both of their faces, with the knowledge that you are okay. 'you have a concussion but nothing sleep and bed rest cant fix' a russian accent storm your ears. As you closed your eyes again, you hear your dads voice fill your ears with simple words but still meaningful
'im so proud of oyu, i love you so much,


'victor, they will be okay' yuuri tries to comfort his distressed , and dramatic, boyfriend. victor was in so much distressed, kneeling bedside your hospital bed, grasping your head like it is  his only lifee support, with tears streaming down his face. 'they are all i have yuuri, what do i do if i lose them'.
silence filled the air. yuuri in his life didnt know what to say to victor so instead he hugs him.

the hand in victor grip tightens, he looks up with hope in his eyes, 'snowflake/ snowstorm' he whispers gently not to disturb you too much.'p papa' replied just as gently maybe more. yuuri stepped back to watch the sight before him. victor got off his knees and enbraced you like he was hugging a glass figure that could shatter . No one moved or talked as the sun shone through the window blessing this family.


You felt a strong force on your chest frocing you to breathe and that is exactly what you did, you breathed in as much air s your lungs could hold and coughed out all the deadly liquid that hid in your stomach and lungs. you felt a familiar hand rub your back.

looking up you saw your dad with a concered look painted on his face. 'Y/N are you okay' he asked but only as a whisper as to not to overwhelm you. you didnt trust your voice at this time so you nodded, it was a weak nod but it was still a nod.

carefully, yurio pulled you into his chest as though he was trying to protect you from the very thing that nearly took you away from him. otabek was walking back with phone in his hand and sat next to your dad, 'docter is on their way'. yurio nodded and turned back to look at you. You on the other hand was watcing the sun over the ocean and the glimmer it gave the ocean.  so that is what your little family did, watched where the ocean and the sun met. you couldnt help but smile. ' this is where i belong'

A/N- there it is the part 2 of Injured. if you guyes have any ideas of scenarios or anything please let me know.

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