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"Alright, everybody set?"

Ed Nygma never would have thought his small apartment would turn into the center of the Theo Galavan hate club, the members being three detectives, one butler, the one and only Penguin, and Lucius (Ed still wasn't sure who he was).

"Whoa, whoa, what's the plan." Harvey asked.

"We get into that building, find Galavan, put a gun in his mouth until he gives up Bruce." Gordon answered simply.

"Than I kill him slowly." Oswald added.

"No, than we arrest him." Jim argued.

Lili rolled her eyes, she had to listen to this argument for about the third time that day.

"Yeah, no. Are you nuts? After all that he has done?"

"He's going to stand trial. Gotham needs to know who he really is."

"Gotham needs him dead!"

"Rabbit, rabbit rabbit, can we just stop the bunny and just first get in there, please, chaps?" Alfred interrupted the argument.

"I agree, let's go!" Lili said impatiently.

"Seriously, that's it?" Lucius spoke up "You have no plan? How are you even going to get into the building?"

"I know a way." a black figure appeared in the window.

"Who is she?"

"Fox, that's Cat. Cat, Fox." Harvey introduced them.

"You know a way?" Jim asked, like that's not what she just said.

"Yeah, I know a way in, Gordon."

"How do we know you won't stitch us up?" Alfred argued "I mean you switch sides often enough. How do we know that you're not working with Galavan now?"

"How do I know you're not a Martian in a rubber suit?" Selina snapped.

"I trust her." Lili said "You're in, Cat."

"Thanks for your help, grab a vest, let's go." Jim, said, getting ready to leave again, only to be stopped by Lucius, again.

"People, surely we should have a backup strategy, given the strong possibilities of failure?"

"Au contraire, Mr.Fox. Failure is not an option." Penguin stated. The man looked at Jim, hoping he'd give him a more sensible answer.

"What he said." the detective said simply.

"As you wish." Lucius sighed, letting the team go on their way.

The team followed Selina trough a parking lot to get inside a building, where they had to face a lot of stairs, running up to the top was probably more challenging than what they'll have to face there. Harvey even had to stop to catch his breath.

As they got closer and closer they heard the monks repeat 'Death to the son of Gotham' over and over again. The noise only pushed them to hurry.

As soon as they got to the door Alfred kicked it open without hesitation, the room was full of man dressed in black, in the middle Bruce tied up to a column, on the further side there stood tonight's victim, Theo Galavan.

"Sacrilege!" one of the monks yelled, to which the others beam to run towards the group who started fire. Gunshots and screams filled the room, Lili focused on taking down as many as possible, she didn't notice Galavan escaping.

She only began to look for him when all of the monks were down, and the gunshots stopped.

"Where's Galavan?" she hissed. Without waiting for an answer she rushed out of the room, only to find herself on a long corridor, doors on both sides, and one big door by the end. It seemed familiar, like she's been there before, but she brushed the feeling off, the building could be confused with a fancy hotel, maybe that's why it was familiar.

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