tell me

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When Lili first opened her eyes, she had no idea where she was. She didn't dare to look up yet, not knowing if it would do any good if her kidnapper knew she was awake, but she could tell the building hardly had any lightning, the floor was gray, she could hear a quiet buzzing, probably coming from some kind of machine, and clicking. A lot like a stapler. Than the clicking stopped.

She heard steps walking towards her, she took a deep breath, preparing herself to face her kidnapper, fighting off any kind of fear deep inside her. She felt her heart beat speeding up as the steps got closer and closer, she was about to snap her head up with a sharp and cold expression, but before she could, she felt a warm touch on her cheek, lifting up her chin she was forced to look up. The touch was all too familiar, her heart stopped beating, her stomach dropped, eyes widened as her mouth opened.

"Morning, princess." Jerome said softly, almost whispering.

Lili couldn't believe her eyes. It was him. His deep green eyes full of life again, his touch warm and gentle, just like before, the only difference was his face. It looked as if it was cut off than sewed back, but that didn't change how beautiful he looked.

"Jerome." she breathed out "Am I dead?"

The boy let out a laugh, not a fake one, but a pretty, genuine one, and if the girl was doubting weather he was real or not, she definitely stopped now, because that sound, it can't be faked.

"No, sweetheart, quiet the contrary. I'm alive." he spoke with a huge grin on his face, he found it adorable and hilarious how shocked the girl looked "Crazy, isn't it? One second everything is black, than boom! I'm back to life! You gotta tell me everything that's happened, while I was-"

Lili wrapped her arms around the boy, throwing herself at him, she was surprised he managed to stay on foot, she pulled him close and held him as strong as she could, afraid if she loosened her grip he might slip away again.

"You died." she whispered against his chest. Jerome, who was still not used to how gentle and comfortable physical touch could be, returned the hug, with a soft smile on his face. For the first time, his death didn't seem like a joke, but more like a tragedy, to the girl because she had to live without him, and to him because he could've had her this whole time, and he missed out on it.

"I'm back now." he said quietly, a smug smirk growing on his face, knowing what he was about to say would piss Lili off  "You can tell me all about how much you like me..."

As expected, she pulled away, making space between their bodies, the all too familiar annoyed expression on her face, but Jerome knew she wasn't actually mad, how could she be when her cheeks were rosy and her hands slipped into his, fitting perfectly, like their hands were meant to be intertwined.

"I only said that 'cause you were dying." she bit her lips as her face softened, everything bad about Jerome Valeska seemed to be erased from her head, maybe because she missed him so much, or maybe it was the way his eyes sparked, she'll never know. She let out a sigh, knowing she's about to boost the boy's ego, which was already big enough "But I guess it's good to have you back." her voice was honest and gentle, it wasn't the confession of the year, nor close enough to what she really felt, but it was the best Jerome ever got.

Jerome raised his hand to caress her cheek, he slowly leaned closer, giving her the chance to push him away, waiting for the sparks in her eyes to fly, a signal that he was allowed- he was welcomed to kiss her. He saw it, like traffic light changing colours, he could see the desire shine in her eyes, so he pressed his lips against hers, and only now, he truly felt alive. She responded almost immediately, melting into the touch, the kiss was painful and passionate, it felt like heaven, which was quiet ironic considering the boy just got back from hell.

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