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Lili was bored.

The only exciting thing in her day was when Jerome visited, and when a waitress brought her food. She tried to talk to her the first few times, but she got no answer, she didn't take it personally, poor worker was just following an order.

Other than that, she laid in bed and overthought her entire life. She wondered about what Jim could be doing, probably working his ass off to find her and solve the chaos Jerome and the maniax caused, Harvey was probably with Scotty or pouring drinks at the bar. She thought about trying to escape, but  she was still too weak, and if she bumped into one of the lunatics, she'd probably loose the fight.

She was doing the most exciting things she could be doing: laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, when she heard the lock on the door opening, but instead of the pretty ginger, a familiar not so friendly looking man walked in. He was big around the waist, not so much in height, he had gross long curly hair, and a creepy smile. She recognised who he was. Robert Greenwood.

He had the keys.

"I have the keys. Don't worry, they're not getting to that, unless I'm dead. But till then, you're safe."

She stopped herself from thinking about that. Jerome was fine, he had to be, she needed to focus on saving herself.

However, the pain in her chest by just the thought of never seeing the red head again didn't go away.

"Hiya, sweet cheeks." she cringed by the nickname, it sounded so wrong coming from his mouth "I'm not gonna hurt you, I wanna let you go." he said, he talked to her like she was a child, like she was stupid. The man walked closer.

"Uncuff me than." she said harshly. Shifting as far away from the man as possible.

"I will." he said, but the evil smirk on his face said otherwise "But first I'm gonna do something else." he put his hands on her cheek, when she moved away, he aggressively grabbed her face "What a pretty face you have..." while the man busy analysing her features, she carefully reached for her purse under the sheets. The man's hand slowly made it's way down her body, she wanted to throw up, she wanted to scream, but she had to remain calm, she almost had the knife, it was only matter of seconds.

"No wonder the ginger likes you."

She found the knife, her grip tightened around it by the mention of the boy.

"Where is he?" she blunted out, letting her curiosity win.

"Jerome? Why would you care about that pathetic little freak?" he whispered against her neck. His words struck a nerve, she put the knife into his chest without hesitation, Greenwood let out a painful scream, but it wasn't enough, she pulled out the knife, than stabbed him again, then again, and again, and again, until he stopped screaming.

Her breathing was uneven, she felt blood cover her face, her hands, her chest. The lifeless body of the man laying on the floor right next to her bed, it seemed like an animal attacked him and tore his body apart, well except for the knife in his chest.

She was supposed to feel guilty, dirty, for doing this to a human being, but she couldn't. Not when this man did so many horrible things, not when he spoke so lowly of Jerome. Killing him felt like a relief, knowing he wasn't going to eat, rape, and terrorise anymore woman. It was a rush, that she could still feel, it was so- freeing.


She dropped the knife, as her head snapped to turn towards the voice. Her look softened when she saw the person staring back at her with his beautiful green eyes. Jerome hurried up to the girl, placing both of his hands on her cheeks.

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