the message

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Every morning Lili Grimes walked into the building of the GCPD, every day she faced crimes, tragedies, psychopaths, lunatics and death, every night she she stayed up thinking it. The main reason she wanted to be a cop was the fact that she'd rather kill herself than live a gray, boring life. She always sought trouble and adventure, even as a kid, now she just gets payed for it.

Her first weeks weren't easy, she had to fight hard to earn her colleges' respect, to be heard, to be seen. Now she's been working there for years, she made herself quiet a name, many criminals feared her, she was known of showing no mercy, putting the guilty behind bars with cold blood.

But the truth is, she wasn't always so cold hearted. She could be rather soft, even sweet, if someone put some energy into getting to know her.

The only two people she called friends were Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock, her partners in crime, well, her partners in stopping crime. Sure, she got along with other cops but she nowhere near trusted them, or dared to call them her friends. The two man had proven their loyalty many times trough the years, and so has she towards them. Of course they had their fights, disagreements, but no friendship is perfect.

Today was quiet different than any other. The evening went by quiet peacefully, no serious crimes committed, Lili was ordered to take care of a car accident. Honestly she would've preferred to spend the whole day with trying to solve Edward Nygma's riddles. No offence to the man, but it could get quiet annoying.

That was, until she got a call from no other than Jim Gordon about a murder. Adrenaline rushed trough her body as she got in her car and drove to the GCPD, deep down she knew it was wrong to feel so excited about such a terrible crime like this, but she couldn't help it.

She walked trough the doors of the large building, like stepping into a different dimension, the strong smell of coffee filling her lungs, whispers, screaming, arguing coming form everywhere, louder than usual. The room was filled with clowns, dancers, people dressed in colourful costumes. They were quiet loud.

She confidently walked up to her table, finding Jim stranding next to his own, letting out a stressful sight as he looked trough some papers.

"Quiet a night we're having." she spoke, making the man look up at her.

"Nice of you to come by." he said as he handed the papers over to the girl.

"Harvey?" she asked, reading the file she was given.

"He's taking care of the show" he nodded towards the arguing circus crew "I need you with with questioning, I have a feeling this isn't gonna be easy."

"When is it ever easy?" she sighed "So where is the son? Maybe we should start with him."

Jim pointed at a boy, sitting quietly next to the arguing crowd, he had red hair, freckles all over his face, his lips were dry, bright red, Lili was expecting a younger boy, but he seemed to be around her age. He must've felt her eyes on him, because he looked up, revealing his deep green eyes making shivers run down her spine. Lili found it strange, his body language screamed nervousness, shyness, he looked terrified, but in his eyes, there was nothing.

"We definitely should start with him." she said, making her way towards him, Jim right behind her.

"Jerome Valeska, I'm detective Grimes." she said confidently, the boy stood up, nervously pulling his sweater, but his eyes were shining, aggressively staring into hers "I'll be investigating you mother's murder with detective Gordon, who I believe you've already met."

Jerome nodded, turning to Jim, giving him a small smile.

"Follow me."

The detectives lead him into the room, in there, there was a table, two chairs on the further side, one on the closer, that's where Jerome sat. The girl and the man sat on the other side, placing a small recorder on the table.

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