stab me

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"So what's the plan, J?"

Lili asked as her and Jerome were walking towards the building his brother apparently worked in. She had two pistols on her belt on the two side of her hips, while the boy carried a riffle over his shoulder. They were both wearing their new clothes, Lili's lips burning red, next to her white dress and pale skin it looked as if she used blood as lipstick.

"We get my brother alive, kill a few people in the process, preferably the ones he seems close to, than we bring him home."

"Sounds fun." Lili grinned as they arrived to the entrance of the building. Two guards were standing by the door, when they noticed the pair they tried to reach for their weapons, but they weren't fast enough to do so before a bullet went straight trough their head.

"Nice shots, darling." Jerome complimented as they stepped over the dead bodies and entered the building. Lili smiled at him in response, pressing a quick kiss on his lips.

"I always liked shooting." she said while Jerome pressed the button for the elevator, which immediately opened so the pair stepped inside "Especially people who deserve it."

Jerome grabbed her waist with his free hand and pulled her against his body, so close their noses brushed against each other's "Hmm, and what did those poor guards do to deserve it?" he fake cried, the irony in his voice brought a small laugh out of her, the sound never failed to warm Jerome's heart.

"They tried to hurt you." she started, leaning in closer, so now she spoke against his lips "I won't ever let anyone hurt you again."

"All everyone I ever knew did was hurt me." he spoke quietly, it was like he didn't mean to say it out loud.

"Than I'll just have to shoot them all."

Jerome let out a heavy breath as Lili kissed him deeply, he did return the kiss, but not for long, he felt the need to look into her eyes, to see her, the only person he ever cared about, the only person who ever cared about him. He raised his hand to brush her dark curls out of her face, staring deeply into her eyes, he kind of got lost.

"What is it?" she asked with a grin.

"I love you."

Lili's eyes widened in surprise, blood rushed into her cheeks, her lips parted to speak, but no words came out, Jerome didn't expect her to say anything though, he wasn't finished yet.

"I never knew what it meant to care for someone until I met you. I wasn't born to feel, my dear, but I love you, as much as I can."

"My wonderful boy," she raised her hand to touch his cheek with an indescribable kind of softness "I-"

The elevator door opened up, the poor secretary who had been waiting for it let out a terribly loud scream, interrupting the girl. The pair raised their gun and shot the woman at the same time.

"Bitch." Lili hissed stepping over her lifeless body. 

"What a voice she had though, wonder how the glass didn't crack."

"Has that ever happened to you? Someone screamed so loud while you killed them that glass cracked?"

Manic grin grew on the boy's lips "I can be really persuasive." he turned and began to walk towards the offices.

"Of course you can." she smiled to herself before hurrying after the boy. 

The boy who loved her. If someone would've told her two years ago that Jerome Valeska was not  only capable of feeling love, but was in love with her, she would have laughed in their faces. Now nothing seems to be more real than his love.

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