Just a lightning.

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"Maybe he was in a bad mood." – Aether was calming himself down after the yesterday's night. He was slowly brushing his hair with the ornamented brush that was left for him in the room. The tiredness grew bigger and bigger, which Aether blamed himself with, as yesterday, after the short talk with the Yaksha he could not sleep for the whole night, his emotions mixed. After that, it wasn't unexpected that the bags under ones' eyes grew only bigger and darker. – "maybe he was annoyed that I have interrupted his rest with my presence." – the boy annoyingly threw a brush on the bed. – "but he was the one that was standing there in silent! Ugh, I sometimes cannot understand him at all." – his vacation in Liyue has not started the way he wanted it to, even before spending at least one day here he was already troubled with some unknown feelings. He founded the courage to walk and look at himself in the mirror, however this time his eyes were carefully observing the scratches from his previous battles. – "why did he get so pissed off about them? It's not the first time I get so many injuries and cuts on my face, and I already know that they will disappear in a few days." – then, his eyes traced the way to his chin, where just a few hours before, the strong hand of the dark-haired boy was resting. Aether imagined the hand once again, and blush appeared on both his cheeks, but he was quickly interrupted by the sudden knock on the door.

- Traveler? Are you here? – Verr Goldet's head appeared just before Aether quickly jumped to a couch next to the bed, pretending he was just resting there, embarrassed for even imagining the things he was before. With the bright smile she made her way inside the room, while holding a plate with something delicious in it. – I brought you Almond Tofu as you requested me. – she put a plate on the table near her and looked at the blond boy. – Are you feeling alright? You face is red; you should check your condition in Bubu Farmacy.

- I-I'm fine. – said Aether, while quickly standing up as if to show her that he was alright. – Thank you for the meal. – the boy was so embarrassed that he didn't even notice that he didn't order any food before.

- That's a relief, but please take care of yourself. – traveler just nodded in response, but the woman was not leaving even after a conversation was visibly over.

- Is there anything I can help you with? – the boy already knows that expression of embarrassment when he was asked for a favor before, so he decided to just go with it and be the first one to offer help.

- That's surprising that you ask about it just now, because unfortunately we have some troubles going on near Wangshu Inn. – Verr Goldet's face immediately lighted up, as right now she wasn't the one bothering the traveler. – not so long ago, a few visitors spotted a large camp of hilichurs near the Inn, the customers get terrified just by their presence and I don't know what to do. Usually Xiao deals with such issues, but today I could not find him anywhere, plus he has helped us so many times during your absence that I am worried whether he ever takes any rest nowadays. – just by mentioning Xiao's name the woman got travelers' attention to her face, as before he was just staring at the window, to not show her his annoyed face.

"Just as I thought, Xiao took care of most of the camps while I was away. This boy really never gets any rest." – he thought to himself.

- Okay, I will take care of it, you should not worry about the camp anymore. – Aether said to finally end the conversation, which worked perfectly, as, after saying "Thank you" multiple times Verr Goldet finally left his room.

"How ironic to first ask about my health but then immediately ask for the help. Some people only care about their own issues it seems..." – Aether signed taking his sword to his hand and placing it behind his back. – "at least I will get my mind clear and focus on something else for a change." – he once again looked at himself in the mirror, but quickly left the room with his face red as a tomato. – Yes, a distraction is a good thing, ahahaha! – he said out loud while nervously laughing.

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