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- Today was rather tough, didn't know there can be so many monsters around. – the boy sighed exhaustedly, while digging his teeth into the Tianshu Meat. He was sitting at the Chef Mao's restaurant together with Xingqiu and Chongyun, who were just watching with the amusement on their faces how hungry the blond boy was.

- Right, last time I had to leave Liyue Harbor there was an enormous amount of them near the Wuwang Hill. Most of them are just harmless hilichurls and Abyss Mages, but the quantity sometimes beats the strength. – the white-haired boy nodded in agreement. – Sometimes makes me wonder if anyone is actually taking care of them.

- I heard the rumors that one of the Adepti was assigned to complete such job, however, it remains unknown whether the Qixing knows about the situation and does anything from their side. Seems like the city still cannot survive on its own. – the other finally put the book aside to get back to the conversation. – But you are pretty tough yourself, Chongyun, I'm sure you killed them even before they were able to dodge their first attack. – the boy smiled cheerfully, to which Chongyun's face immediately turned red, causing him to turn away in embarrassment.

- Yeah, this Adepti could have probably used some help, - Aether passed a new ice-cream to the poor white-haired boy, understanding his feelings. – if he wasn't so stubborn, I mean... - he added so quietly, that nobody heard a single word.

- Let's not fill our thoughts with worrying about such things! – the bright warm figure appeared behind the traveler, placing 3 drinks on their table. – The lantern Rite is coming, I heard that this year there is a special program, my father is already preparing the food for the visitors. – the girl sat on the wooden chair and cupped her cheeks with hands.

- Weren't you the one who was the most terrified from the situation with monster, Xiangling? – Aether slightly laughed as she furrowed her eyebrows.

- That was long time ago! I have more important things to do now that I am helping my dad. – she playfully turned her head away, making the rest of the company laugh uncontrollably.

- She is right, traveler, sometimes you have to take a rest and forget about the important things, focusing on the ones you love and care about. – The book worm turned his head towards the white haired, staring at his eyes while saying the last words. Poor Chongyun started coughing the moment he looked back at his "friend".

- S-so, traveler, are you staying for the celebrations this year? – Chongyun asked, trying his best to change the topic of the conversation.

- Yes, we all missed you last year, when you were gone on your trip to Inazuma! – Xiangling whined while shaking poor Aether by his shoulder.

- Okay-okay, I got that. – traveler defeatedly raised his arms. – I am thinking about it, Paimon would sure love it if I stayed for the Lantern Rite.

- So now all that we need to do is to talk to your flying companion? Piece of cake. – Xingqiu nodded to his own words. – me and Chongyun can arrange it.

- Okay, I see you guys leave me no choice but to stay for a bit longer. – Aether nervously laughed, while putting his drink aside. – Thank you for preparing the food, Xiangling, it was delicious! I will get going, don't want to be late and encounter more monsters on my way to Wangshu Inn. Have fun, everyone, see you the next time! – Aether waved goodbye to all of his friends and left the restaurant.

Thankfully, on his way back to his hotel room, the boy didn't meet any monsters, even hilichurls, so the walk was peaceful and calm. He greeted Verr Goldet, who was staying up late as usual, doing her paperwork, and finally reached his room after the long and tiring day on the land of Contracts.

"Going to Lantern Rite isn't such a bad idea, all my friends will be there for me, so I wouldn't feel alone. I cannot disappoint them, especially on such important occasion. – Aether brushed his hair, untwisting his braid and letting the long shiny hair to lie free behind his back. – There is no possible way I might meet him, he never liked crowded and loud places like the city. At least the new memories of the festival will replace the old ones." – this thought made the boy remember every single lantern rite before – he always would spend at least a couple hours with the Yaksha, as this celebration was made for him as well as all the other Adepti. Trying to recollect his thoughts and distract himself, the boy looked at the mirror to once again observe the person in front of him. Zhongli was right – the voy was feeling better, there was no sign of the earlier events in the nation of eternity on his face, his eyes were glowing again, the eyebags under them disappeared, and he could finally recognize himself in the reflection. The only part of the body, that remained the same was his back and neck, which, he decided not to look at.

Aether was finally ready for bed – he changed his usual daily clothes into something more comfortable and lied down on the bed, trying not to think about anything but the plans for tomorrow. Somehow, the routine work such as completing commissions, meeting up with his friends and talking with the citizens calmed the boy down. The certainty of the days waiting for him built up the confidence in himself, Aether grew tired of not knowing anything about everything in this world, so he decided to stick with the familiar way of living for a little longer.

After the several minutes, traveler was already sound asleep, his hands were wrapped around the pillow, while his hair lay loosely on the half of the bed. Aether was so tired after today, that even if somebody needed him the next moment, they would definitely fail to wake him up many times, before he could fall back to the reality. Such way, the sudden wind that was flowing all over the room, followed by the fast steps on the wooden floor, didn't make him open his eyes. The sound of footsteps finally stopped as someone stood still right beside the bed, looking directly at the

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