Irrepressible mortal.

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The positive attitude to the future meeting with the Yaksha couldn't be destroyed by anything – it looked like even the nature was supporting Aether in his final decision to complete the task, that had been left for too long. As Aether made his way back to his usual place, the boy constantly looked up at the sky, not even knowing the reason behind it. Perhaps it was their enticing shine that attracted the traveler, or perhaps it was the faith that in the corner oh his eyes he would see a flickering figure rushing through the wind. Either way, Aether was certain about his decision and the thoughts that previously tormented his mind were long gone – so what if the other did see him only in the friendly way, so what if their walk together would mean nothing out of ordinary for the Yaksha? As long as it meant the whole world to Aether it was okay.

The flowers were still spreading their aroma around the boy as he was basically running towards Wangshu Inn, however, protecting the flowers from the wind by holding the hand in front of them – it was his present, so that would a shame if they would be damaged as soon as he arrived.

The only problem, that appeared in the back of the blonde's head, suddenly arose the second Aether was on the stairs of the building – what if Xiao would not come to see him tonight? As traveler climbed the stairs, the anxiety caused by such thought started to fill his whole body. In the first place, the blond did not even invite the Yaksha to his room today, which definitely meant that the other would not just appear in it without the proper invitation.

"Well, he did that before a several times, what if today would be similar?" – Aether stopped looking at the stairs in front of him, trying to come up with the explanation that his heart would find reasonable enough to assume that Xiao would come here tonight. Thankfully, such weak explication was enough for the other to calm his mind. Yet, there was another problem with assuming that they would meet tonight – previously in the day, Xiao left Aether without a proper excuse of his actions. The blond wouldn't say they had an argument, mostly because there was little to no conversation between them before the other left, however, something seemed definitely off about Xiao's behaviour today, and, despite Aether's thinking that he left on a rather good note, it couldn't stop him from assuming that maybe the reason for him suddenly leaving was in Aether himself. It was true that the past several times Adeptus seemed less comfortable in his presence, setting aside all the childish excuses he made to not travel with Aether. Despite their good relationship, it was not a secret that most of the things that bothered Xiao were left unsaid by him, so, that leaves an infinite space to write all the possible reasons for the change in his behaviour.

So, these were the doubts that Aether was most afraid of – especially after he spent so much time trying to feel confident about asking the other, yet, omitting the most important factor – his presence. That wouldn't really matter in different scenario, but deep down the blond knew that if there wasn't a chance right now, then the courage of him asking the question would disappear, just like the last time. After the failed attempt, Aether saw today as the last and only opportunity – it is now or never, he thought. He glanced at the flowers, which were still freshly tucked together by the tiny rope in his hand, and sighed, changing his expression from worried one to the clear dedication.

"So what? If you don't try, you won't know, they say." – he said to himself and forced to continue his way to the well-known hotel dorm. Opening the door was the most difficult part of it all, but regardless the hesitation and the doubts, Aether quickly shut it open, however, closing his eyes, afraid that there will be no one inside. He could sense the wind blowing from the open window, which couldn't help but leave a trace of faith that there indeed was Xiao, right that moment, standing in silence and looking at the blond with his usual cold expression. But who knew, maybe Aether was the one to not close the window in the first place?

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