A sense of betrayal.

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The moon was already halfway through the sky, the clouds were barely visible, leaving the stars shine brightly over the land of contracts. Aether was still sitting on the, looking up at the yaksha who was resting on the bed with the soft smile. It seemed that after their conversation the dark-haired had a lot going on in his mind and traveler, knowing that the yaksha probably have been fighting without taking a break for a week straight, was only happy to finally see him a bit relaxed and with his eyes closed. The wind coming from the opened window, which both boys forgot to close when entering the room in such a hurry, was carefully blowing in Xiao's face, letting his hair to flow back. The dimmed light inside the room created such a peaceful and calming atmosphere, that at some point Aether thought that the Yaksha has fallen asleep, even though he knew that he couldn't do that.

- -Xiao, are you awake? – he asked quietly, his heart already knowing the answer that the dark-haired will give.

- Yes. Adeptus don't need sleep. – Xiao said, while slowly opening his eyes, as if he was actually sleeping and the blond woke him up with his question. Looking down on Aether, he noticed that there is still a soft smile on his face, his eyebrows lifted up waiting for him to continue speaking. – I was just... Resting. – the last word sounded so unconfident and quiet; it was clear that Xiao was almost embarrassed to say that out loud.

- you know you can always come here to rest. I m-mean it's your usual place after all. – Aether thought that for a split second he saw the glimpse of hope in the amber eyes before him, which disappeared a moment after.

- I can't. It's better for me to stay away from mortals like you. – xiao signed, hinting on the Karmic Dept and what effect it has on the ordinary people.

- But that wasn't the issue before, you know that I am more resistant to it than others, I can handle it! – the blond resented. It true, that sometimes after spending too much time in Xiao's company in the past he begun to feel dizzy and weak, but this effect was nothing compared to the happiness he felt every time they met. Moreover, it wasn't like the traveler have not felt something worse than this, in comparison to all the injuries he got during the fights, Xiao's Karmic Dept felt like nothing. – we can still spend time together! I can help you with the mission you have! We can work as te... - Aether's speech was interrupted by the calm voice of the Yaksha.

- Aether, it's been getting worse. – the eyes of the blond widened as he was processing what the other just said. Xiao, on the other hand, was still sitting on the bed with the emotionless expression, as if the topic discussed didn't bother him at all.

- What do you mean? – was the only thing that Aether could say to that.

- The voices, they are getting louder, more unmerciful. I can't... - Xiao stopped and looked blankly at the ground trying to put his thoughts together. It wasn't easy to talk about such things with anyone, as the Yaksha didn't want to be pitied. It was his destiny, after all, and he accepted it long time ago. He even managed to keep his distance with humans, although it was getting harder as the nation begun to develop and many new adventurers appeared on its land. But everything changed after Aether stepped in Wangshu Inn, and no matter how hard he tried, no matter the fact that he knew that he needs to be alone, as far away from everyone as possible, he couldn't do that. Time passed and somehow the traveler managed to earn Xiao's trust and respect as a person and as a friend. But during this period something else has changed, and it was within him – thew voices, the nightmares during the day, the suffering, all of it grew stronger. Every time Xiao entered a battle, he had to face much severe consequences than before, but he was okay with that, he learned how to love with that. But one thing wasn't leaving his mind, making him worried – the effect it may have on Aether, the effect his presence may have on Aether. – I can't control myself anymore. – he finally ended his sentence.

- It doesn't matter, I'm your friend, I will always be here to help you, you should trust me! – the blond wasn't going to give up this easily, he didn't want to lose his only opportunity to be close to Xiao.

- It's me who I don't trust! – Xiao suddenly yelled, leaving Aether speechless. He stood up, his face no longer being emotionless – now it was showing despair, helplessness. Oh, how he wanted another response from Aether. He wanted the blond to agree with him, to say that it's the best for both, to end this all. Such way Xiao wouldn't doubt his decision, he would leave him in the past and continue his suffering alone. But damnit, why was Aether so stubborn in his helpful and kind nature?! Why couldn't he just leave him to make things easier?! Xiao was mad at this situation, mad at the traveler, but most of all, mad at himself, at who he is.

The Yaksha was about to teleport away, leaving this uncomfortable situation and rethink everything all over again, making sure that what he is doing is right, but Aether managed to catch his hand before he left.

- No! Don't just teleport away like you always do! – now the blond was the one to scream. – How selfish of you is to just turn away from people who care about you! – Xiao's eyes grew wider, he looked at Aether, who was gripping onto his wrist so strongly, that it could leave the marks on the pale skin of the Yaksha, but immediately looked away. – You've helped me, so now it is my turn to help you.

- You don't know what you're dragging yourself into, traveler. – his face darkened as he said those words in such cold tone, that it changed the atmosphere around the room. The dim lights, that were feeling so warm and comforting, now were creating a haunted, tense atmosphere. Aether slowly let go of Xiao's hand, taking a few steps back from the dark-haired.

"He called me traveler..."- He thought in disbelief. God, how he hated this nickname, how he hated that people didn't even try to use his actual name. But coming from Xiao, it felt worst, it felt like betrayal. Tears started to form in the corners of his eyes, but he held his own, not wanting Xiao to see how hurt he was.

- Yeah, you're right, it was a stupid thought if mine. – he said with the trembling voice looking away from the dark-haired boy. "After all, it was only me wanting to spend time together, he doesn't need me at all..." – these thoughts were repeatedly flying over his head, causing his heart to ache as if it was stabbed a thousand times.

Xiao was standing there speechless. This is what he wanted him to say all along, however, after Aether said those words, the Yaksha didn't feel easiness like he thought he would. The reason why he called him traveler was to draw a line between them, but it was something Xiao immediately regretted saying, as he felt Aether letting go off his hand, heard his hurt voice and saw him staring away filled with sadness. What should he do now – apologize. Take the words back, beg for his forgiveness or maybe teleport away and never meet him again?

- Aether... I – the boy was quickly interrupted.

- I should probably get some rest. Goodbye, Xiao. – the boy said blankly and turned his whole body away from the other. Xiao stood there for a few moments, his eyebrows drawn together, expressing nothing but fear and desperation. Aether didn't want him to be here right now, or maybe even ever, he finally understood that.

- Goodbye, Aether. – were the only words he said, as he turned away and his figure quickly disappeared in the green smoke. Only after that Aether collapsed on the floor and started crying. 


Authors notes: 

Okay-okay, I confess, I do enjoy the drama. I just feel like they would actually have a lot of misunderstandings and Xiao would always try to push Aether away due to his story and Karmic debt. 

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