The new adventure.

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Aether woke up under the dim sunlight shining through the closed window. at first his eyes were wondering around, trying to understand how he got inside his room and what happened the previous night only to found himself blushing again. Even just looking at the room made his heart flatter, causing the brain to recall all the memories of his yesterday's adventure. He slowly sat up on the bed, his whole body was still sore from the pain. The boy finally found the courage to stood up and change his clothes, which were still on him making his body uncomfortable. After quickly checking every room in order not to accidently meet xiao naked in any of them, he signed, but not from the relief. Aether felt like he owned an explanation to the Yaksha and wanted to talk to him as soon as possible, discuss everything and apologize again for hiding the truth from him.

Aether quickly changed to the same-looking outfit that he had in his closet in case something happens with the current one and sat himself in front of the mirror. His face was most certainly looking better after the long sleep he had – the eyebags were smaller and the cuts finally started to heal. However, the boy still could not stare at his reflection for long time, it made him feel uneasy to look at his own eyes, as if they did not belong to him.

"Don't flatter yourself, you still look pathetic and weak." – he said to himself turning away from the mirror, when suddenly remembering Xiao's words: "Never. Never say such things". His face immediately lit up with happiness, the feeling he thought he lost after Inazuma.

- This time I will explain everything to him. – the blonde buy said with the courage. His mood was so different from the one he already got used to for the couple of weeks, making him feel better and ready to face anything in his path. That was surprising that only one small talk with Xiao could cheer the boy up so quickly.

After redoing his braid and fresh himself up, Aether decided to walk outside to do some commissions and waste some time. he knew that he lied to Zhong Li when he said that he will still complete the daily commissions, he just wanted to make sure nobody notices his weird behavior, but now he was the one wanting to go outside and turn back to his normal life. And what could be better than starting with small steps like casually completing the effortless commissions? Without any hesitation, Aether went back to Liyue Harbor to ask Katheryne about any tasks she has for him.

On his way to the Harbor, Aether was already thinking about possible explanations for his friends that he might meet – Chongyun, Xiangling, maybe even Xingqiu if he notices traveler through his endless number of books. He must explain why he has not announced that he has returned and greeted them in the first place, and the best option that Aether could think of is to put the blame on Paimon, stating that she was so tired and hungry, that Aether immediately had to go to Wangshu Inn to feed her.

"Sorry, Paimon, I will buy you any food you want afterwards." – traveler could not help but laugh imagining the flying creature boiling over his lies and screaming at him in her usual playful manner.

The sun was shining brightly as ever, there was no sign that yesterday there was a huge storm with lightning – the grass was already dry due to fact, that when Aether woke up it was already past noon. Walking through the gate once again, Aether saw a big crowd constantly discussing something while gasping and whispering to each other's ears.

- Are you sure that these stories are true? – said one of the women near the souvenir shop. – It sounds like a tail that I usually tell my children.

- Yes-yes. And I also heard, that even the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing does not know what to do. It has never happened before. – Aether grew extremely curious about the topic they were discussing, and, despite the advice given to him y the former Geo Archon himself, entered the conversation.

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