Two conversations.

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- Traveller, it's delightful to see you in such a good shape again. - Zhongli was sitting at his favourite restaurant, sipping a tea as he always does. The look on his face was as calm as ever, although Aether did notice a soft smile appearing for a second after he said these words.

- It's good to be back... especially after you finally let me do commissions again. - the boy said with the annoyed tone of voice. Finally, after a couple of weeks of trying to persuade Katheryne to let him do at least one tiny commission, on one sunny day it finally worked. So, Aether had been happily occupied with the everyday tasks from the people of Liyue. It didn't have to be proved that behind all the "the commissions were already taken by the other adventurers" was this old man. Oh, how he wished Paimon to be here to call him with her usual ugly nicknames.

- I just wanted to make sure that you're fully healed both physically and emotionally. It appeared to me that you had some troubles with that the second you arrived at Liyue Port. - he didn't even deny the accusation for one second, nor did he actually apologized for what he did, which made Aether get even more mad at the former Geo Archon himself. - but now that it's settled, I can guarantee that I shall not interfere your journey ever again, becoming a silent observer of your future adventures. - the hint was so obvious, that if even made the blond to chuckle on the poor attempt of the former Geo Archon to hide it.

- Yes, I want to continue my journey soon enough. I've had enough rest and there is still some question I must find answers to. - the boy admitted, while the memories of encountering Lumine flooded over his head. After all, he got no new information from the nation of eternity, so he might as well try to find some clues in the nation of wisdom. - there is nothing holding me here anymore. - he added with the soft smile on his face, however, his eyes filled with sadness and uncertainty. Zhongli put a cup of tea aside and finally looked at his friend.

- Is that so? - he asked curiously.

- Liyue is a beautiful city, it will always feel like home to me, but right now I have to focus on finding my sister. - he intentionally tried to change the topic, which, thankfully, was accepted by the older one.

- I believe you are correct in that sense. - Zhongli looked at the city, admiring it as if it was the first time he saw it with his eyes. - However, I may ask you to stay for the Lantern Rite this year. Truthfully, that is something no shall miss. - he said while still looking away from the table. Aether didn't give an answer straight away. Surely, it would be nice to spend the festival with his friends, maybe even get the opportunity to pay off his debt to Paimon by buying her food, but at the same time, something was screaming inside of him, urging the blond under his skin to leave the city as fast as he can.

- I will consider that. - Aether stood up, getting ready to leave. - thank you for your time, Zhongli.

- The pleasure is mine. Good luck, traveller. - all said, Aether exited the city once again to continue completing the commissions he was assigned to. As usual, meeting up with the God left nothing but mixed feelings about his journey, and, as usual, the blond decided to distract himself from it by fighting a couple of monsters.

"Surely there are many monsters in Sumeru, might as well just settle there for a bit. Changing the scenery will be helpful." – the boy thought to himself.




As the sun begun to set, leaving the sky for the moon, a dark figure appeared on one of the mountains outside the Liyue Harbor.

- Morax, I came to your call. – the green smoke was still flattering around when Xiao landed on the rock near his master.

- Xiao, I told you, this name of mine died the second the Geo Archon was murdered during the Descension. Call me Zhongli. – the man said with his calm voice.

- Tsk... - was all that Xiao said to that. In his mind, the façade that was created to hide the transition of the Geo Archon into the ordinary human was pointless and, in some way, childish. And, even after such a long period of time, he still refused to acknowledge the new state of his master. Remembering, that he was called to meet with Morax for a purpose, the boy decided to quickly get down with the business. – Most of the monsters are defeated, there are a few last domains from which they continue to appear, but soon enough I will be able to deal with them as well.

- Oh, very nice, very nice. – the old man cupped his chin with one of his hands, deeply thinking about something. – But unfortunately, that was not the reason I called you today. I was wondering whether you've heard that the traveler has returned to Liyue not that long time ago. Have you met with him already? – Zhongli asked with the curious smile appearing on his face, however, his eyes still closed together. Xiao didn't give an answer straight away, he was so surprised of the sudden question about Aether, that it caught him off-guard, causing his mind to go blank for a minute.

- I don't see how that information is of high value. – he said with his usual annoyed tone, while wrapping his arms around his chest. – Yes, I have encountered him during that period. – however, it seemed that Zhongli wasn't paying much of attention to his answer.

- His journey to Inazuma was quite disturbing, causing nothing but doubts and fears to enter his mind. – the man continued his speech, as if he was just thinking out loud. – There were many troubling situations he had to face, many people he had to see gone. Some of the scars he got there will never heal, both emotional and physical. – after that sentence, Xiao shrugged a little bit, which everyone else wouldn't even notice, but Zhongli definitely did, moreover the former Geo Archon was pleased with such reaction to his words. – Even the weather has turned its back on him, the lightning, the storm, they will always be an unfriendly nemesis of his, reminding the traveler of the battle with the Electro Archon. – Zhongli stopped his monologue for a minute, taking the opportunity too peek on Xiao, wondering, whether there will be any extraordinary rection from the Yaksha.

- What happened there? – the plan of the former Geo Archon has worked perfectly – Xiao asked this question, trying to hide his worried state of mind behind his unfriendly uninterested mask. Although he did unconsciously take a few steps towards his master, trying to make him talk.

- Something terrible indeed. So horrible, that even the traveler himself doesn't wish to mention it in front of his friends. The injury he got will haunt him for the rest of his journey. – no clear answer, as usual. Xiao was so mad that he could start fighting with his own master the next moment, however, he immediately saw how pointless it would be. If the former Geo Archon didn't tell everything from the start, he will not do so under any circumstances, and Xiao knew that. But the way he talked, the way he described the situation – it all sounded so terrifying that the urge to see Aether the next second appeared in the boy's head. The worried feeling was overwhelming, to the point where Xiao himself couldn't think about anything else but wanting to see the traveler right now. The Karmic Debt, their argument – it all didn't matter to him. He wouldn't care if the blond will kick him away the nest second the Yaksha would appear in front of his eyes, he wouldn't care that his actions can appear weak and worthless. He had to know, he had to know what caused such a drastic change in Aether's behavior, in his physical state, and he couldn't wait any longer.

- I'm leaving – was all he said as he turned his back of Zhongli and disappeared into the thin air, leaving the man stand alone on the high mountain, surrounded by the night sky above thee Liyue Harbor.

- Farewell, Xiao. – Zhongli said to himself, as the boy was already alone. 

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