Uneasy talk.

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The thoughts and feelings were all mixed together, overwhelming Aether, but the brightest of them all was a fight between him and the Electro Archon. For a split-second Aether even felt a tingling sensation coming from his scar, about which he definitely didn't want to talk about with Xiao. Taking a few loud and deep breaths, Aether looked down, trying to put all the event in one order for the Yaksha to understand better.

- I believe I do own you an explanation. – he finally said, cursing himself for not thinking earlier about what to tell Xiao at the same time. – but it's just so difficult to put everything together. – He finally admitted.

- You can tell me everything. It doesn't matter. – the Yaksha tried to comfort the traveler in his own emotionless way. – Start from the beginning. – Obviously, from Xiao it sounded more like a command rather than a request, but Aether already got used to interpreting his words differently from what it appears to be at first. What he really meant, in Aether's eyes, was that he should not worry too much about filtering all the events that happened to him for the past half of the year, which calmed the blond down.

- Well, as you may know, there was a vision hunt degree in Inazuma, so when we finally arrived there... - and Aether started talking, mentioning every bit of his journey, every event that had left a huge scar on his soul – his participation in the civil war, the people who died right in front of his eyes, the scared citizens, who tried to hide their visions – all of it just spilled out uncontrollably after the first sentence. Aether felt sadness growing in his heart, but he continued to talk as long as Xiao didn't stop or interrupt him from doing so. Xiao, on the other hand, was patiently waiting for the boy to finish his talk, trying to process every bit of information that was given to him in such short time. Aether's confession continued to the point when there was only one thing to tell – the thing that most likely interested the Yaksha the most – the fight with Raiden Shogun. Before saying anything about it the boy went silent. Aether knew that he promised to himself he would tell Xiao everything a week ago, but in this moment, he couldn't bare thinking and talking about the most tragic event that has happened to him. This made him feel helpless, weak, even scared, after meeting the Electro Archon and almost dying from her sword, Aether felt something he has never felt before – that he is not invincible, not strong enough. The true reason why he stopped his journey and returned back to Liyue wasn't in his intention to have a vacation – it was fear. Fear, there are challenges that awaits him, challenges that he, the almighty traveler, could not overcome, the battles, where he can lose. His journey started so brightly, but as he continued his search for Lumine, Aether has seen many terrifying things happening, he wanted to help everyone, wanted to save people of Teyvat, but what made him feel so special? What made him think that he can actually defeat any villain and pass all obstacles without ever getting hurt? It took almost dying there, near the palace, for him to realize how weak he was, and what hurt the most is that the reminder of his helplessness will always be there, on his body. After the long silence, Aether finally decided that he will not say anything about the fight with Raiden Shogun. – So, that's what happened in Inazuma. – he glanced at Xiao, waiting for his response.

- I see. – was all that the Yaksha could say. He had a strong feeling that that wasn't all of the story, especially after Aether went silent for a couple of minutes. Most of all, none of the events that happened has revealed the reason, why a week ago, during the fight with the Lawachurl, traveler was affected by the storm and the lightning in such severe way, that he couldn't move at all. However, Xiao respected his decision and was already grateful that Aether told him so many details, obviously showing his trust towards the Yaksha.

Aether tilted his head, looking towards the floor, which made his face partly invisible due to his golden hair covering his eyes. He didn't say a single word, nor made a single sound, as if he was frozen, unable to move, to deeply buried in his thought, which took this mind faraway from here. Xiao wasn't sure what he should do in the situation like this – he helplessly looked at the boy, hoping to see any movement of his small body.

"Do mortals say something in a similar situation, are there particular rules on how I should react to this?" – the Yaksha cursed himself for his uncommunicative nature, his lone persona due to his karmic debt. Usually, he wouldn't even say a thing after the blond finished telling stories about his journeys, but this occasion felt different, and from the bottom of his heart Xiao knew he must do something to cheer the boy up. Suddenly, he remembered the screams he heard a couple of hours ago. - "Nobody would ever understand you! Everyone will leave your side!" - the voices echoed in his memories. But then it hit him, he knew what he needed to say.

- Aether. Look at me. – the hesitant voice made the traveler immediately lift his head up, a bit surprised by the sudden command. Xiao looked so serious, that the blond unconsciously gulped, preparing himself to hear what the dark-haired was about to say. – I know right now you feel like everyone has left you, people you cared about are no longer by your side and understanding this can be terrifying. – the four silhouettes appear in the back of Xiao's mind while he was continuing his speech. – however, that is not true. You are not alone, they might be forever gone, but the memories you shared together, your journey with them – they will be with you forever. And whenever you think of them, imagine them standing beside you, talking to you, they will continue to live, to be a part of this world. You shall not be sad, but be thankful for meeting them, even the short time you spent together matters. They will live forever in your heart. – the cherished words that Xiao always wanted to hear himself echoed in the room, leaving Aether speechless. The dark-haired spoke from his heart, meaning every single word he said and that was the first time he has ever dared to reveal his own thinking. Concerned by another silence that enveloped the room, Xiao uncontrollably started doubting his own words.

"Did I say everything wrong?" – this question was stuck in Xiao's head. Maybe the words he said weren't the ones the traveler wanted to hear in a situation like this, maybe it was better for the yaksha to keep quiet as he would always do.

- Xiao. These words... – the sudden bright smile appeared on Aether's face, lighting up the whole room they were in. – These words really mean a lot to me, especially from you. Thank you, I will always remember them. – the smile grew even wider, which seemed impossible – Aether did feel much better after the revelation of the Yaksha, he finally felt understood. Remembering Xiao's story told to him by Zhongli, traveler knew, that the boy really meant the things he said, he has experienced the same.

Aether felt warmth spreading around both. the atmosphere, it felt different – less gloomy and depressing. it seemed like right in this moment Xiao and him shared a secret, the secret that nobody else could ever understand. Their lives were so different, but this second, they appeared to be so similar – filled with the same emotions, experiences, troubles. For the first time after his journey to Inazuma, traveler felt easiness, comfort, calmness. Who would've thought that the scary lonely Yaksha would be the reason for such feelings? Definitely not Aether. Being friends with Xiao felt nice, and the blond hoped that the Yaksha felt the same way about him, he knew he did. But was there something beyond the friendship that made Aether's heartbeat so much faster every time he saw him, cherish every moment he spent with Xiao, made him worried every night, when the dark-haired didn't come to Wangshu Inn.

He knew, deep down he knew that for him it wasn't just friendship. During his journey, Aether met many people, most of them ending up being his close friends, but when it came to Xiao, the feelings towards him were different – more tormenting, changeable, intriguing. After their first encounter, traveler felt this difference, but as time passed his thoughts about the vigilant Yaksha became clearer, while his feelings grew bigger and faster. Yes, Aether knew what this feeling was, how it should be called, but he denied it the moment this word appeared in his head. It seemed hopeless to even think about the possibility of Xiao ever sharing the same feelings towards him, he knew that from the start, the Yaksha said it himself – he is incapable of feeling human emotions. Such way, without even having the opportunity to tell Xiao how he felt, he was already rejected. But that didn't matter as long as they could see each other, spend the days together as a team, or maybe friends - this was enough for Aether. Enough for him to disregard his own will...

Or so he thought?

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